Category: Photography

Cirsium vulgare

Cirsium vulgare - Common Spear Thistle - Gewöhnliche Kratzdistel - Közönséges aszat…

By Cezar

Mentha longifolia

Mentha longifolia - Horse Mint - Rossminze - Lómenta…

By Cezar

Epilobium hirsutum

Epilobium hirsutum - Hairy Willowherb - Zottiges Weidenröschen - Borzas füzike…

By Cezar

Eupatorium cannabinum

Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp-Agrimony - Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost - Sédkender…

By Cezar

Clematis 2nd blooming

Global warming has also caused clematis to bloom for the second time, which is not normal in my area. Here is the main Clematis article...…

By Cezar

Araneus diadematus

Araneus diadematus - European Cross Spider - Gartenkreuzspinne - Koronás keresztespók…

By Cezar

Az államalapítás ünnepe

St. Stephen’s Day, on the 20th of August, is the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian state. A couple of days ago there were preparations in Baia Mare and a religious service was held together by the Catholic…

By Cezar

Indsæt logo i Luminar NEO

Hvis du vil indsætte et logo (eller objekt) i et eksisterende billede i Luminar NEO, skal du: Indlæse det billede, som du vil indsætte logoet i.…

By nesega

Lupinus polyphyllus

Lupinus polyphyllus - Large-Leaved Lupine - Vielblättrige Lupine - Erdei csillagfürt…

By Cezar

Dimorphotheca ecklonis

Cape marguerite - African Daisy - Bornholmmargerite - Cseppecskevirág…

By Cezar

Koelreuteria paniculata

Koelreuteria paniculata - Golden Rain Tree - Blasenesche - Bugás Csörgőfa…

By Cezar


Midnight, and the sound of the sea. Midnight...the sound of the sea, the sigh of the breeze. Watching the dark distance, looking out across the shimmering skin of the ocean towards the edge of the world; no ships, no…

By toomuchrose