Category: Technology

Building beasts and bridges, a Vivaldi way

This entry builds on this Medium article: On Beasts and Bridges…

By jaxroam

Linux: what's the big deal?

When I retired, an astonishingly quick four years ago now, many things changed. For a start, my peripatetic travellin' life, on the road pretty much 12 months a year, mostly for work but also for pleasure, hit the…

By travellinbob

Awesome Tor Tools

Tor is an anonymizing TCP overlay network proxy implemented as a cryptographic mixnet. It is used for protecting the privacy of user communications in a variety of operational…

By mindhackdiva

Nethandel med MitID og kodeviser

En tidligere kollega kontaktede mig for at få hjælp med et problem med brug af kodeviser på MitID ved nethandel. Umiddelbart syntes jeg at det lød lidt underligt; men jeg fik syn for sagen. Når han ville indgå en…

By nesega

NORG and NH1

Some day I wrote useful scripts to aumate and ease some daily tasks at work. This project was named 7redes (seven nets in Portuguese) and grouped, as you can see, functions related to network. The name 7redes came from…

By cordeis

Merci Beaucoup Vivaldi !

Came to the conclusion while getting my work organised today that since I've been using Vivaldi and all its attached services, my writing has become more streamlined and stress free. I know that there are various…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Rails 7: The Missing Instructions

Sadly, I had a lot of difficulty getting Rails 7 with Turbo and Stimulus up and running. The Rails docs feel like they're missing a few steps, so I wanted to document the commands I needed to run to get Rails 7 with the…

By tradesmanhelix

Como buscar solo PDFs en Google

Alguna vez has querido buscar solo archivos PDFs en Google pero en las búsquedas te salen cualquier tipo de contenido ? o incluso alguna páginas web que indican contener un archivo PDF pero luego te piden que para poder…

By santiagoflores

Slå Bankbeskyttelse fra

En bekendt henvendte sig, idet han ikke længere kunne tilgå sin netbank, da han fik en melding om at Bankbeskyttelse var slået til, når han ville "i banken". Det er ikke en fejlmelding, som jeg tidligere er stødt på, så…

By nesega


WYSIWYG or What You See Is What You Get is a famous acronym used quite frequently in the Internet parlance. However, though it may be true in case of most things including the world wide web and human beings in general,…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

En STOFA historie

Hos en borger i Løgstør - postnummer 9670 - dukkede et entreprenørhold op for at trække en fiber ind. Borgeren blev mildt sagt forvirret, idet hun ikke mente at have bestilt Stofa fibernet.…

By nesega

Off twitter and where I go now

Many years ago, BC (before coronavirus), twitter was a massive time sink for me. I was not a prolific tweeter, but I did read a lot of what other people put up. I wrote a while ago about some of the steps I was taking,…

By lonm