Category: Technology

En STOFA historie

Hos en borger i Løgstør - postnummer 9670 - dukkede et entreprenørhold op for at trække en fiber ind. Borgeren blev mildt sagt forvirret, idet hun ikke mente at have bestilt Stofa fibernet.…

By nesega

Off twitter and where I go now

Many years ago, BC (before coronavirus), twitter was a massive time sink for me. I was not a prolific tweeter, but I did read a lot of what other people put up. I wrote a while ago about some of the steps I was taking,…

By lonm

Stofa fibertilslutning

Opsætning af router på Stofa fiber Når Stofa leverer en fiberforbindelse, opsætter de kun fiber-boksen. Tilslutning af routeren må du selv sørge for.…

By nesega

Microsoft One Note

Has anyone ever tried Microsoft's One Note? I have been using it recently. Previously, I used to depend on Samsung Notes in order to jot down my thoughts on the move. However, of late I've switched over to One Note.…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay…

By mendot250


Why oh why, didn’t I read the Debian instructions for BookStack instead of spending six hours… trying to figure out all the dependencies on my own? 🤦🏻‍♂️

By northernsoul


この のブログは独特なつくりになっている。…

By 7kamado

Best Practice: Code Like No One's Watching

When writing code, it's often easy to trigger the "freeze" response from the "fight, flight, freeze, or fawn" list of trauma responses….

By tradesmanhelix

Web3 en Vivaldi

Vivaldi, más que un navegador, es una suite de productividad, flexible, segura y orientada a la privacidad. Como parte de su productividad, permite que podamos integrar la Web3 en el navegador sin que esta esté por…

By yoditar

The Calendar and Other Tools

Since I choose to add tasks to my calendar, it becomes easy to monitor my progress each new day. In fact having a calendar or a to do list can definitely help a writer in planning ahead with his/her day or week. To cut…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Ещё раз о Tecno Spark 8C: чиним отключения Wi-Fi и Bluetooth

Недавно рассказывал об одной весьма неприятной особенности в работе Tecno Spark 8C: вслед за погасшим экраном смартфон выключает Bluetooth и Wi-Fi, отрубает мобильное интернет-соединение и закрывает все недавние…

By Alex Semёnov

Главная причина не покупать Tecno Spark 8C

Смартфоны Tecno, Infinix и Itel собирают на одном заводе, и софт для них тоже пишут одни и те же люди. Так что, вполне возможно, проблемы, о которых я собираюсь рассказать, актуальны не только для Tecno. Но тут нужно…

By Alex Semёnov