Category: Family

2023 年为教师节省时间的 7 款最佳人工智能工具

面向教师的人工智能工具越来越普及,也越来越容易获得。 在教育领域使用人工智能,教师可以充分利用课堂时间和资源。 在本博客中,我们将介绍 7 款最适合教师使用的人工智能工具,它们将帮助您充分利用 2023 年。 这些人工智能工具不仅能提升您的教学体验,还能确保您的学生获得最佳的学习体验。…

By purement


在中学英语中, suggest(及物动词)是一个非常重要的单词,它的用法比较复杂,很多同学对其用法都感到无从下手; 而且在大、小考试中经常出现。基于这种情况,现将其主要用法总结归纳如下,以帮助同学们学习并掌握。 一、有“提出”的意思。…

By purement

I Gave £400 to Women's Rights.

tags: Maiara Walsh, Ms Victoria Olivia Rooth, President Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, only using the USA's mass surveillance apparatus to surveil every single person in the USA's job earnings in relation to everyone…

By victoriareign

Writer's Log No. 5 — A Decent Man

  I knew a man once, many years ago, who was a decent man.  He was married to my grandmother.  He was not my biological grandfather, however, because my grandfather had died at the dawn of the 1940s, before I was born. …

By daletucker

Summary log of the day

Here it comes: Weather: The day started with clear skies and mild temperatures, but by midday, clouds rolled in, bringing scattered showers in the afternoon.…

By Robert Trance

The dogs' dinner song to humans

A little something I wrote this morning, after seeing a dog meme online:…

By Robert Trance


主谓一致,顾名思义,指一个句子的主语和谓语在人称和数上保持一致。人称上的一致很简单,我是用I am,你是用You are, 他是用He is. 数上的一致,一般规则为主语是单数,谓语也用单数。主语是复数,谓语也用复数。比如他是用He is, 他们是用They are.但用连词连接并列的两个主语时,用法纷繁复杂,用两张思维导图列举如下,自己结合例句理解。…

By purement

Another universal terminology "Never"

另一个万用贴单词"Never" 今天发现了英语中另一个万能贴Never=从不…

By purement

The Brothers Comatose & AJ Lee - "Angel Band"

This hymn is for Annie who had hands soft as flour and for all of her clan who loved her dearly.…

By daletucker

Making Friends

Do you remember the good old days of Pen pal? How easy is it to make friends of like minds these days?

By survivormoc2