Category: Literature

Chapter 3 With Narration Coming Tomorrow Evening

Tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. EDT, Chapter 3 of Wanderer Come Home will post on The Secret Book of Wisdom (my Substack channel) featuring yours truly narrating the complete chapter.  It's a 30 minute listen.…

By daletucker

Posted Today On Substack

I narrated Chapter 2 of Wanderer Come Home today and posted it on my Substack, The Secret Book of Wisdom.  See the post and listen to the narration HERE; it's a thirty minute episode.  And subscribe to The Secret Book…

By daletucker

Being Too Good

The acknowledgement of one’s own evil is “good”. To be too good - that is, to want to transcend the limits of the good which is actually available and possible - is “evil”. Evil done by anybody in a conscious way (and…

By Cezar

My Latest Post At Substack (and a Link)

The image below contains a link to my Substack article which I posted today.  I thought you might enjoy it.  Just click on the image and it will take you to the article.…

By daletucker


下文当是我的QQ空间中前几篇置顶文之外的唯一一篇原创文字了。之前已发在自己的原创之园,现转在此处,以时时激励自己。(2014.2.9) 题记:春节既至,万象俱新,惟情如陈窖。贺词虽晚,赤心依旧,愿诸般皆好。…

By davidsool

Solo per Me (poem)

Solo per Me di Filippo Albertin Bradbury insiste con la poesia. Io insisto nell'approfondire i testi di oscure band che sembrano avere in USA cinquant'anni di carriera (mi riferisco agli Sparks, e alla loro Sherlock…

By palmbeach

Agnes Grey

I was meaning to write about Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë for a very long time. However, work and other unnecessary and inconsequential matters tended to overshadow my earnest wish to do so. Although I have already read…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Too Old For This

"Look for luck and live the moment."…

By Cezar

On Thoughts Abandoned...

I have often encountered "abandoned" blogs on the internet, which have often haunted my thoughts. Blogs which had been quite active once upon a time, but were abandoned by their writer/writers either due to waning…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

We Weren't Allowed

"It’s not who you are but what you do that defines you."…

By Cezar

I Gave £400 to Women's Rights.

tags: Maiara Walsh, Ms Victoria Olivia Rooth, President Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, only using the USA's mass surveillance apparatus to surveil every single person in the USA's job earnings in relation to everyone…

By victoriareign

Govern Me Harder, Daddy!

Do not try to rescue someone who doesn’t want to be rescued! …

By Cezar