Category: Featured
How to Fight Back When It Feels Futile
Introduction- Many, if not most people were shocked at recent events. The rise to power of people who would have been unthinkable a few short years ago now seems to be accelerating. It's normal to feel overwhelmed, but…
By publicwolf
Vivaldi - The best browser to use
Mmm... Yes. A blog about why Vivaldi is the best, on a Vivaldi blogs site! Really nice!…
By Andrecon
Why I wont use a chatbot
tl;dr (Summarised by me, not a bot): Being able to produce, even poorly, is an important step in learning knowledge and skills.…
By lonm
Eleven Years in Space
It could be the title of a book or a movie. Instead, it’s what really happened: eleven years of relentless activity, orbiting one and a half million kilometers from home. Billions upon billions of measurements, sent to…
By mcastel
Martin's Office
I worked as a gardener at a mental hospital and Martin, my manager, had an office to himself in the newer part of the building. One day the hospital director decided that Martin didn't really need an office to himself…
By swayne
Combining WPML & ActivityPub
UPDATE: As of wordpress-activitypub 4.7.2, this modification is no longer needed. See the bottom of this post for details.…
By Thomas Pike
AMD, you infected my PC with zombies!
In spring 2024, I completed Vivaldi's developer build assistance transition from Goma to the newer Reclient system. Goma and Reclient are remote build assistance that can perform compilation of files that you need to…
By Yngve
Techscam Exceptions for Creative Commons
There are many tech scams that I think impact our cultural commons. Some of the most egregious ones recently have been DRM, GAI, and Crypto (NFTs and the like). I quite like the idea behind creative commons licensing…
By lonm
Looking to Norway: EVs in 2024
If there is anyone who still wonders why this war is being fought, let him look to Norway. If there is anyone who has any delusions that this war could have been averted, let him look to Norway; and if there is anyone…
By jaxroam
It's So Different From a Year Ago
With nearly 500 Vivaldi blog posts to my name, a year ago at the end of 2023 I gave up on posting any more because of a problem with my images not posting true to color. That was a mistake on my my part and I must own…
By robrose
[se00ep04] 12 things I am grateful for
I feel happy because I finally moved on with my legal capacity. I feel depressed because my plans didn't work out and when everything turned against me I started to feel sad and worried.…
By tonygroover