Category: Family
订书机、回形针、修正带……这些冷门的文具英文 文具:stationery;首先来说说文具的英文,这个单字的发音分别有两个单词,也就是说有两个单字的发音是相同的。一个是stationery,“文具”的意思,另一个则是stationary,“固定的,静止的”意思;这两个单字的组成也仅有一个字母的细微差别,但两者意思却相差很大。…
By Чистая Вития
Hello to you :)
We’re really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a…
By pietroere
The Importance of Listening
Cardinal Francis George Listens - The late Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago from 1997 to 2014, listens to a child while visiting a Chicago parish for Mass, circa. 2008. A recent quote attributed to him:…
By fjcasella
As Time Slips Away
Photo: 'Passing Through' - A dark, monochrome scene features a yard with a large tree, a swing, and a small shed in the background. The mood is eerie, with shadows casting over the garden structures. The swing is left…
By fjcasella
"The Tale of Genji" and Me
When I was young, my grandmother and father taught me a daily value:"Do not behave in such a way that others would point at you behind your back.""Do not do anything that would become the subject of mockery."This…
I'm a telepathic space alien girl & this is part of my religious beliefs, legally protected like Scientologists or Setians of the Temple of Set. I'm not evil. I'm DEFINITELY not associated with those two religions IN ANY WAY!!!!
Hey people!!!! It's me, Maiara, again. So I'mma come right out with it, & fess up, & like totally spill the gossip 4 u all.…
Happy Belated Rosa Parks Shade, girls!!!! Do feminism! Do gender equality!
Hey everyone. So like a rather sombre post happening here -- but a really important one, so please read what I have to say, OK!?…