Category: Literature

Tucker's 2023 Novel Available Here!

Wanderer Come Home …by Dale Tucker  

By daletucker

Die Natur

Aphorism by Georg Christoph Tobler, 1783.…

By Cezar

Foolish Lone Wolves

We can’t lead anyone further than we have been ourselves.…

By Cezar

Connection without Friendship

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What?! You too? I thought I was the only one!"…

By Cezar

the tooth

are we talking dentistry here? no, not really - although what is common is that both relate to and/or refer to one's mouth.As in 'mouthing off'.…

By mxmwriter

I'm My Son's Best Friend!

Note: I am making available my last Romanian language (and previously paid) article Descurcă-te singur!…, as I feel that the present one is somehow related to that one…

By Cezar

finisce'l tuo silenzio

qué lugares habitas ahora ni como solías te darás a los juegos…

By segaram


rosa d'argento e rosa d'amore

By segaram

mamonio detutino

la trenza de Francia la camisola índigo …

By segaram

nocmonio deturno

de cómo Doris la metopa se frisó con dos triglifos que la Miss Chivia dice que la playa azul de la persona mía …

By segaram

demonio vespertino

pallidula, rigida, nudula …

By segaram

demonio meridiano

Sivasubrahmanian Chandrasegarampillai Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta…

By segaram