Category: Literature

Life in 24 Hours

This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time.…

By Cezar

Seagull - New Bird Slurs

A seagull is a bird, often seen as a nuisance to coastal communities. Given its maligned role, its name seems apt for reuse.…

By lonm

"Inside My Spinning"

Spinning" is not the political or media kind, but does require a pen. No hand to hand occurred. The concept is about the power of words. Choose them wisely.…

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

Alcolico e Colorato

Poesia di oggi...

By palmbeach

Scribacchiando e Ideando

Innanzitutto bisogna capire che non siamo nessuno. Essendo tanti "nessuno", la sola cosa che possiamo raggiungere è un avanzamento del nostro essere al cospetto di noi stessi. Solo dopo questo avanzamento potremo…

By palmbeach

Prophetic Parroting from Hoshi Shinichi

I've just finished reading a fantastic short specfic story, Shoulder-Top Secretary by Hoshi Shinichi. It has some really nice ideas that help me to coalesce a lot of hazy thoughts I have in my head.…

By lonm

What is a woman?

Don’t ask yourself where God was at Auschwitz, ask yourself where the man was! To forget, to be silent, to be indifferent to those around you, these are some of the biggest sins. (Elie Wiesel)…

By Cezar

To Aline — A Better Definition

Many dictionaries1 2 3 list this aline …a variant of , I think it would better serve the English language with a different definition.

By lonm

Jordan Peterson

Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson, speaking about truth.…

By Cezar

Carl Jung

The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.…

By Cezar

Doctor Zhivago

I wanted to read the book “Doctor Zhivago” after I watched the 2005 Russian film. Many scenes in it were staged in a rather controversial manner, and it was this very fact that made me start reading the work of the same…

By rudyprime

Eric Dodson

Why is life so hard? - by Eric Dodson, former professor of psychology at the University of West Georgia, USA.…

By Cezar