Category: Photography


Slimnic, the village from the previous article, is part of a union of 5 villages (of which it is the administrative center), this union being called commune (comună) in Romanian. In this article I want to show you…

By Cezar

Stolzenburg Citadel

On the road between Sibiu and Medias, one can find a small community of about 3400 people called Slimnic, a name quite difficult to pronounce in Romanian due to its many consonants. A typical Transylvanian village, part…

By Cezar

Ambulance Services in Delhi: Yadav Ambulance (+91-9899519540)

Finding reliable and timely ambulance services in Delhi can be crucial during medical emergencies. Yadav Ambulance stands out as a trusted provider, committed to delivering prompt and professional emergency medical…

By yadavambulanceservicesindelhi

Ancient Arches

For those who know Baia Mare well, these arches are a familiar sight. They stand between the Elisabeth House (to the left) and the Géza Vida Museum (to the right).…

By Cezar

Inside St. Michael's Church

Here are some views from inside the Saint Michael Church of Cluj-Napoca, also called Michaelskirche in German, Szent Mihály-templom in Hungarian and Biserica Sfântul Mihail in Romanian. It is the second largest church…

By Cezar

Out of Season

A small coastal town; a place where nobody goes in winter, a place where nothing happens when the sun doesn’t shine. A place that ships always leave behind, on the way to somewhere else beyond the far horizon.…

By toomuchrose

Downtown Cluj-Napoca

Rumors have said that this part of Cluj was recently renovated. So... I had to have a look!…

By Cezar

Olá :)

O nosso blog tem como lema a partilha de trilhos e percursos do norte de Portugal.

By loudogon

Der Große Platz von Hermannstadt

The Great Square of Sibiu…

By Cezar

Matthias House

The Matthias Corvinus House in Cluj-Napoca, built in the 15th century. Matthias Corvinus (Hunyadi Mátyás), son of John Hunyadi and one of the most renowned Kings of Hungary, was born in this building in the year…

By Cezar


The real world without filters, as I see it with my own eyes.…

By Cezar