Category: Software

Exploring the World Without Losing Yourself

Maintaining your faith requires attention when you discover the world through travel. The magical experiences that travel provides help enthusiasts explore multiple cultures through interactions with individuals and…

By kentyross


My family tree software of choice, for a long time now. Available HERE…

By warrickwynne

“Vivaldi Gas Pol!”

Vivaldi versi 7.2 sudah tersedia di Ubuntu. Setelah diunduh, keterangan untuk gambar mereka,…

By ikhlasulamal

Connected Files in Windows

I was downloading some web files and discovered a feature in Windows that I had never noticed before. Windows automatically links a .html file to a directory with matching name and _files suffix. This is to allow you to…

By lonm

Achando amigos federados do Bluesky

Eu estava chamando algumas pessoas para seguir a ponte do Bridgyfed no Bluesky, já que desisti de usar o Mastodon + Bluesky, e reparei que eu estava pesquisando o user deles no Mastodon ou olhando a lista de pessoas que…

By nunesdennis

Возвращение к AntiX пошло не по плану...

Этот текст я начал писать почти два месяцев назад, но так и не закончил. Во-первых, момент праведного гнева давно ушёл, а бомбить без причины я не особо умею. Ну а во-вторых, мне так и не удалось его нормально…

By Alex Semёnov

Scrapey Scrapey

Recently I have been doing a lot of scraping data from the web. Scraping is an invaluable skill to have as a modern netizen. I use the term scraping to refer to the act of programmatically accessing published…

By lonm

Firefox alternatives: what to use if you don't trust Mozilla?

A week ago, Mozilla updated the Firefox Terms of Use. No one has really understood the meaning behind the change, but we now know that Mozilla reneged on promises to never sell your data. If you see this as a potential…

By Alex Semёnov

Альтернативы Firefox: хватит это терпеть!

Недавно Mozilla обновила лицензионное соглашение и политику конфиденциальности браузера Firefox. Что конкретно изменилось, пользователи не могут понять и по сей день, но одно мы знаем точно: Mozilla отказалась от…

By Alex Semёnov

ZDNet: Firefox, который все так любили, умирает

Недавно Mozilla впервые за долгие годы внесла изменения в Политику конфиденциальности браузера Firefox. Из текста удалили всего один пункт, но этого оказалось достаточно, чтобы даже самые преданные фанаты задумались о…

By Alex Semёnov

Exploring the Vivaldi History Database

I have been recently exploring the Vivaldi history file. I like to keep all my history forever. My browser, Vivaldi (based on chrome), allows syncing history. This works for new entries, but I wanted to see if there was…

By lonm

Launchy |⚡

Launchy | Another Useful Portable App. A crossplatform Launcher.The search locations and file types can be customized as well as the index time interval.Much more useful and lightweight than the Windows default for my…

By Zalex108