Category: Technology

Un Semplice Omaggio

Grazie ad Austin Kleon ho scoperto questo fantastico sito-archivio…, che riporta praticamente tutte, ma proprio tutte le musicassette vergini messe sul mercato...

By palmbeach

Master vs Main - Building Better Branches

A few years back some of the bigger tech companies decided to start changing the terminology that they use to make it more incluse and accurate. In many cases I think these are good choices, like moving away from…

By lonm

New better version of MPV for Android

mpvKt logo Hello this is just short post of an app I found on F-droid. It's mpv fork with better UI. Much more modern design.…

By ilija05

Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying - Ars Technica [2024-09-12]

One of the things enterprise storage and destruction company Iron Mountain does is handle the archiving of the media industry's vaults. What it has been seeing lately should be a wake-up call: roughly one-fifth of the…

By canadianguy


毎月、最初の金曜日に葬儀屋さんと付帯する職業の方々に初心者でもわかるAI(LLM)の使い方を教えています。 今年いっぱいは無料で案内をしています。来年からはサブスクにするのと、Discordでコミュニティを作っていきます。…

By yeyshonan


はじめに もうええでしょう!CubeIDEは。最もフィジカルで,最もプリミティブで,そして最もフェティッシュなやり方かどうかは分かりませんが,2024/09/09現在の自分の環境構築のやり方を未来の子供たちのために遺します.… …

By romanji

How not to use Bookmarks bar?

That’s a tricky question, some browsers use speed dial like Vivaldi and Opera. Others like Chrome and Firefox do not, at least not in a big way for bookmarks hoarders. Some extensions may solve this but they are usually…

By ipristy

Generative AI backlash hits annual writing event, prompting resignations - Ars Technica [2024-09-04]

Over the weekend, the nonprofit National Novel Writing Month organization (NaNoWriMo) published an FAQ outlining its position on AI, calling categorical rejection of AI writing technology "classist" and "ableist." The…

By canadianguy

Spremuta amara al gusto privacy

Il costo sociale della sorveglianza, dello spionaggio e monitoraggio dei cittadini, viene scarico su interi popoli come esternalità negative dalle corporazioni, con il nome di Carbon Tax, commettendo un duplice…

By #

Lots of Data isn't always Useful

My phone has a built-in 'smart' battery use monitoring system. Supposedly this helps to optimise the device somehow. The most visible way this works is that it will slowdown charging rates during what it determines…

By lonm

Online trolls enjoy trolling, but not being trolled - PsyPost [2024-07-26]

A recent study has explored the intriguing relationship between dark humor, online trolling, and certain dark personality traits. The findings reveal that individuals who enjoy dark humor often possess traits such as…

By canadianguy

Why going online is no longer fun - ComputerWorld [2024-07-24]

For many years, using a computer was a carefree pastime. Not anymore.…

By canadianguy