Category: Recent

Feb. 9, 25

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:… Victory will come if we submit to God and live under His rule to become victorious in strength and power, and resist the influence of Satan so that we can live in belief and joy in the Lord…

By blessing14

February 09

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. Isaiah 58:7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with…

By theophan


Slimnic, the village from the previous article, is part of a union of 5 villages (of which it is the administrative center), this union being called commune (comună) in Romanian. In this article I want to show you…

By Cezar


聖書ではエホバ神のことを様々な称号や呼び名で表されています。 これはエホバがどんな方なのか、私たちがイメージしやすいように用いられている表現と言えるでしょう。… …

By ky25

7.6 Magnitude 6 February

2025, 130 mi SSW of George Town, Cayman Islands Large earthquake tonight comes 1 3/4 days after the 6.0.M. south of the Fiji Islands 2025-02-07 @10:27…

By qle

The Analects of Confucius

Though not a part of my family's teachings, a passage from the Analects of Confucius has nevertheless shaped me profoundly.Written in ancient Chinese over 2,000 years ago, the original text is complex, with…


Buying my chocco

Recently, I had a chance to eat a Ritter vegan chocolate. It was quite expensive but fantastic and definitely worth it, real European product. I understood why is it so good when I read the ingredients, it's basically…

By raimondo

Wewnętrzne oko

Często w życiu stajemy przed wyborami, które z jednej strony wydają się logiczne i racjonalne, a z drugiej strony kłócą się z naszymi uczuciami i pragnieniami. Presja społeczna, oczekiwania otoczenia, strach przed…

By Danuta

2.8日报 | 美加执法人员指控加拿大政府阻碍打击芬太尼犯罪活动;加沙停火协议下进行第五次人质交换;安大略省选举竞选活动进入白热化阶段

美加执法人员指控加拿大政府阻碍打击芬太尼犯罪活动 来自美国和加拿大的资深执法官员——包括现役和退休人员——爆料称,加拿大联邦政府可能系统性地阻碍了对亚洲有组织犯罪高层的调查。据这些消息来源称,美国国土安全部等美国机构对加拿大涉嫌腐败和法律漏洞感到震惊,以至于在敏感调查和情报共享中实际上将加拿大执法部门排除在外。几位加拿大执法部门的资深人士认为,尽管美国总统Donald…

By ontariochinese