Category: Personal

Neil & Buzz

On 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the surface of the moon.In the months leading up to their expedition, the Apollo 11 astronauts trained in a remote moon-like desert in the western United…

By benjamimsilva

Hello, Vivaldi

Vivaldiにアカウントを作ってみたので、Vivaldi blogも始めてみました。 ブログがActivityPub対応になっているので、fediverse上での挙動も含めて、試しているところです。…

By holics

5 jaar geleden.

In januari 2020 werd ik plotseling ziek, gewoon een griepje, dacht ik, maar het duurde wat langer. Corona was wel bekend, maar dat was nog geen item.…

By robertlogger

Walking Warsaw the Nordic Way

One of my passions, as regular readers may know, is walking, preferably through countryside or forest, but if all else fails just a stroll around the city neighbourhoods. I find it relaxing and a good way to clear my…

By travellinbob

The suicide of "this" Europe that produces death and poverty

"Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death"… - Robert Capa (International Center of photography - Magnum Photos)

By yumæ

The Importance of Listening

Cardinal Francis George Listens - The late Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago from 1997 to 2014, listens to a child while visiting a Chicago parish for Mass, circa. 2008. A recent quote attributed to him:…

By fjcasella

Возвращение к AntiX пошло не по плану...

Этот текст я начал писать почти два месяцев назад, но так и не закончил. Во-первых, момент праведного гнева давно ушёл, а бомбить без причины я не особо умею. Ну а во-вторых, мне так и не удалось его нормально…

By Alex Semёnov

54 Nuclear Reactors – Fire on Shaky Ground

A Nation on the Edge of Catastrophe…


As Time Slips Away

Photo: 'Passing Through' - A dark, monochrome scene features a yard with a large tree, a swing, and a small shed in the background. The mood is eerie, with shadows casting over the garden structures. The swing is left…

By fjcasella

But, but, BUT I like using AI-How do I be... myself?

Ah, the classic dilemma of "I like using AI because it gives me a good sounding board. But how do I ensure I don't lose my voice, perspective or even my natural…

By nurhome2048

Waar is mijn auto? 

Op een ochtend wordt ik op mijn werk gebeld. “U spreekt met de politie Tilburg. Weet u misschien waar uw auto is? “ Mijn eerste gedacht was natuurlijk, wat moet de politie uit Tilburg met mijn auto? “Volgens mijn…

By robertlogger