Category: Gadgets

The Online Meeting Axiom

Photo: 'Searching for Dawn' Copyright 2016 Frank J Casella - …The morning sun peeks through the trees behind a fence.

By fjcasella

Listening to the Weather

I find the weather forecasts here to be somewhat lacking. To make up for this I usually grab my scanner and press the weather button but I am finding that too easy. (I do like make things difficult for myself.) …

By greybeard

Photography Equipment

I've used a lot of different kinds of camera when taking my photos. In this blog post I'll talk about some of the ones I used and how well they worked.…

By lonm

I Make a Case for Writing My Blog on Vivaldi

I just read a book by Glenn Reynolds, "The Social Media Upheaveal". He says that we are deep reading less, and learning from headlines more. He also says that many of us share on social media articles that we have not…

By fjcasella

Another long day of work.

Also, trying to improve my Linux skills; which might take me to a very fun and interesting project. Other than that, same old same old. Tomorrow and Tuesday off, yay! :happy:…

By northernsoul

Vivaldi Browserのこと

たぶん、シリーズ化すると思われ Vivaldi Browserを入れたのは何年前のことでしょうか?確かテクニカルプレビュー版と言って、本当の意味での試作品と言うか、試験公開の頃だったと思う。その頃はOpera Browserを愛用していたが、ネット上では「OperaのGoogle Chrome化」と言われた。確かPrestoという独自エンジンを廃止し、Google…

By earlgreyryokucha