Category: Health & Fitness

Hello Universe!

Welcome to my new Blog! I went to a talk by Lama Tashi, a Tibetan monk, here at the Music Room in Orange, Virginia. This is a small town, maybe 5000 population, and we don't see Tibetan monks much here. It's nice,…

By charleslaughlin

inch resting 📏💤

i am now a proud blogger 🎉 government house somewhere in north carolina i dont remember…

By macimas

Understanding Adult Learning Principles

Welcome back to our series on training the trainer course by HSS! In this installment, we'll delve into a critical aspect of effective training: understanding adult learning principles. These principles form the…

By hssdubai

Blindly Exercising

Since it would not longer be wise to drive I have a lot of walking to look forward to. Unfortunately I have been very negligent when it comes to physical fitness over the course of my adult life...even more so over the…

By net8763

Бег бесит!

История о том, почему я вдруг начал бегать и почему до сих пор не бросил столь ненавистное мне занятие. Приготовьтесь, будет очень много букв, субъективщины и ничем не подкреплённых…

By Alex Semёnov

Why Doctors Are Moving Away from BMI - Psychology Today [2023-06-28]

If you’ve been to a doctor’s office or fitness center in recent years, you’ve likely had your Body Mass Index calculated. The BMI formula uses a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in…

By canadianguy


Photo: 'Life and Liberty' - Color Photograph of American Flag and Flowers - Copyright 2020 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Amazon Pharmacy offers faster delivery for urgent refills.

Recently, I switched antidepressants. While waiting for things to be approved on their side, I couldn't refill in time. However, I was able to get one-day delivery instead of two in an emergency with SSRIs, which can…

By glowingfirefly

Time For a 10 year

Every decade I tend to make some new and radical change in my life; simply to keep the motivation alive. So today marks the beginning of my journey in acquiring a new skill. Although this skill is driven by my personal…

By ericthaddeus

RSI and Software Development

Back in 2014, I started to experience repetitive stress injury (RSI) pain in my forearms and wrists. At the time, I'd moved from a hybrid "talk to people / type at a computer" type job to a job that was pretty much…

By tradesmanhelix

Springtime Blossom

Photo: 'Springtime Blossom' - Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella.…

By fjcasella