Category: Photography

O projekcie "Moje Mazowsze"

Projekt „Moje Mazowsze” to projekt fotograficzny oraz genealogiczno – historyczny dotyczący obszaru Mazowsza ( Warszawy i okolic, powiatów pułtuskiego, ciechanowskiego, płońskiego, otwockiego oraz dawnego woj.…

By mazovia

Viola stagnina

Viola stagnina - Fen Violet - Hohes Veilchen…

By Cezar

Canon EOS R100 brugervejledning

Her er et link til den danske brugervejledning. Her er et link til en YouTube video om brug af kameraet.…

By nesega

Living Skies

You know who's gonna give you everything? Yourself.…

By Cezar

Symphytum tuberosum

Symphytum tuberosum - Tuberous Comfrey - Knoten-Beinwell - Gumós nadálytő - Consoude tubéreuse…

By Cezar

Corydalis solida

Corydalis solida - Fumewort or Bird-in-a-bush - Gefingerter Lerchensporn - Ujjas keltike - Corydale à bulbe plein - Brebenel sau Breabăn…

By Cezar

Anemonoides nemorosa

Anemone nemorosa - Wood Anemone - Buschwindröschen - Berki szellőrózsa - Anémone sylvie ou Sylvie - Păștiță sau Floarea-Paștelui…

By Cezar

Oxalis acetosella

Oxalis acetosella - Wood Sorrel - Waldsauerklee - Erdei madársóska - Oseille des bois - Măcrişul iepurelui…

By Cezar

Kohlrabi Flowers

Flowers of Brassica oleracea - Kohlrabi - Karalábé - Chou-rave - Gulie. The plant is biennial and I left this one to survive the winter so as to see its flowers blooming in its 2nd year of life. It's the violet variety…

By Cezar

Buds of Horsetail

Buds of Equisetum telmateia - Great Horsetail - Riesen-Schachtelhalm - Óriás zsurló - Grande Queue-de-cheval ou Grande prêle - Coada-Calului mare…

By Cezar

Vinca minor

Vinca minor - Common Periwinkle - Kleines Immergrün - Kis meténg - Petite Pervenche - Saschiu…

By Cezar