Category: Productivity

Dinero - et godt regnskabssystem

Jeg har i nogle år anvendt gratisversionen af Martin Thorborgs regnskabssystem "Dinero", og det kan jeg varmt anbefale til mindre virksomheder, foreninger og lignende. Det web baserede regnskabssystem er let at gå til…

By nesega

Who would be dumb enough to pay to use a search engine?!

Me. I decided to pay to use, an alternative search engine. …

By Libb


Warum es besser ist, den Wochentag bei fast jeder Gelegenheit mit zu nennen, zumindest abgekürzt Haben Sie auch sch… —Moment, können wir uns auf ein 'Du' einigen? Ich finde Siezen nicht so nett und altmodisch.Okay, das…

By 4kai

Reading a binary watch, tips & tricks

I first learnt binary as a kid at school and on a few (admittedly rare) occasions it has been useful to know it for my day job (since I work in IT). However these days, it is primarily just something I use to read my…

By ruario

Really force YouTube to NOT autoplay a video when a page loads

Up until recently using Vivavldi's setting to block Autoplay was working fine on YouTube. Not anymore. I hate it when a website decides to override our browser settings. That should not be allowed.…

By Libb

WLAN im Jahre 2023

Wir befinden uns im Jahre MMXXIII (anno Domini).Die Welt ist ein verwirrender Ort.Das Thema ist WLAN.…

By anDromedar

Ein Abkürzungsverzeichnis und mehr

Dies soll denen helfen mehr zu verstehen, die durch Abkürzungen ansonsten von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen werden. Aber auch denen, die diese Abkürzungen meist unbedacht verwenden, soll es helfen.…

By anDromedar

Self-Discipline Without Hard Work.

You've probably heard it many times: "Self-Discipine is a hard work". Work? Yes! Hard?! Not so much, when you apply it consistently in very small... microscopic... chunks.…

By brainypartners

Useful Links when setting up a C Development Env

Myself as a student was super lost when starting to try do do anything in C, so after searching for some time in the internet, I found some stuff that has helped me in my progress through university, hopefully it can…

By flyingraijin

How to use the AM/PM notation when talking about time

In the US (and a few other places) the 24 hour clock is not commonly used or understood by the average person. When context cannot distinguish between two similarly numbered hours from different parts of the day, AM or…

By ruario

What are the best publishing tools for students?

In light of the importance of blogging for students, we've compiled a list of the best publishing tools for students. These tools simplify the writing process while ensuring maximum reach for your content when it’s…

By elastoplastique

De telefoon, de nieuwe computer?

Een tijdje geleden werd ik tijdens een vergadering aangesproken:" Kun je jouw telefoon niet even wegleggen? Je bent regelmatig in beeld en het is geen gezicht dat je steeds op jouw telefoon aan het kijken bent. Wat…

By robertlogger