Category: Featured

Which Character would you like me to draw?

Below is a poll which will decide which character I will draw next. Keep in mind all characters on this list will eventually be done.…

By enadasa

Studying has become a wonderful journey.

Hello! I am currently studying at university. It's a pleasure to meet you.…

By mborges2570

Using Machine Learning to Map

I've recently been working to add more details to my local area on the Open Street Map. To do this, I've been using a service called 'Rapid', which uses machine learning to offer some assistance which can help speed…

By lonm

Dwarf 2 telescope and rediscovering Astronomy

My degree's are in Astronomy, and I have been fascinated by the sky since I could look up. In the early 2000's I bought a 10" newtonian (Orion Optics!) and although it did work incredibly well, the sheer size and bulk…

By desdinova

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

I would not dare to encapsulate my thoughts on Jane Eyre or any other creation of Charlotte Brontë, since I neither have the adequate education nor the expertise to do so, however, I shall simply ruminate upon the…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

The Review of Trespass

The Book of Trespass by Nick Hayes is a great read. It dives into what land and property really are, and how our society is shaped by it. The book tells the story from an English perspective, and though I live in…

By lonm


Human health ultimately comes down to the soil. I've read that there is more life under the soil than above it in terms of mass. But today's soil is nothing more than a dead "growing medium". It physically anchors the…

By paul1149

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

How to use face detection on digiKam

Face detection on digicam not working? Not getting any results? Feeling like you're just doing something wrong? Reading the manual doesn't help? I was in the same spot, and it turns that while the app is technically…

By lonm

A man's best friend

I've always had animals in my life - dogs, cats, rabbits, tortoises, guinea pigs, various budgies. And goldfish. In my childhood mostly, as my parents thought it would be good for my development, I suppose:…

By travellinbob

Why the smart ones don’t lead?

I was asked recently the following questions: Why intelligent people are not allowed to rule and get the world out of its dire situation? Why capable people are not permitted to have power and organize or manage things…

By Cezar

Stolen & Published

How I discovered that someone stole one of my infographics and published it without giving credit.…

By Cezar

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