Category: Science
From the Encylopoedia Britannic: Herod was born in southern Palestine. His father, Antipater, was an Edomite (a Semitic people, identified by some scholars as…
Neurotoxinas em Pragas Agrícolas
A maioria dos inseticidas comercialmente importantes para a produtividade dos nossos agrossistemas são neurotoxinas que atuam dentro do sistema nervoso dos insetos. Contudo, não é de se espantar que ainda tenhamos…
By Vergara
Super Red Moon 2021
I was so looking forward to view this lunar eclipse on the 26th May evening, however, it was cloudy. Here are some photos taken from The Straits Times…
By auntygoyio
Volcanic eruption in Geldingadalur, Iceland
Reykjavik is located on Reykjanes peninsula which is on the Atlantic ridge and therefore constantly being teared apart. Luckily we have not had volcanic eruptions here for about 800 years but last Friday night that…
By ltgorm
Mathis meets Vivaldi
In my introductory blog post, I mentioned that I would like to have other people, different to myself, try Vivaldi. I wanted to observe and evaluate their first impression and see if their way of using it would differ…
By Johannes
Compare Floats - FuzzyComp
The act of comparing two numbers may seem like a trivial task if we do not think about it too much. From an early age, we know what is more, less, or equal when it comes to numbers. But what happens when we leave the…
By jurijrobba
Time traveler from 2222
I'm Blaze Pristy a time traveler from 2.2.2222 and i have arrived at 2:22 on 2.2.2020 in the afternoon. I came for a book about alchemy, how to make gold from liquid mercury by radiation. We have flying cars there and…
By ipristy
Astronomy Picture of the Day
"Discover the cosmos!… Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer."
By chas4
Les arbres caducs : le merisier
Le Prunus avium, communément appelé merisier, est originaire d'Europe, de l'ouest de la Turquie, du nord-ouest de l'Afrique et de l'Asie occidentale. Il existe également une petite population disjointe dans l'ouest de…
Les arbres caducs : le peuplier noir
Le Populus nigra, communément appelé peuplier noir ou peuplier d'eau, est originaire d'Europe, du sud-ouest et du centre de l'Asie ainsi que du nord-ouest de l'Afrique. …
Les arbres caducs : le platane
Le Platanus orientalis, communément appelé Platane, est originaire du sud-est de l'Europe et du sud-ouest de l'Asie. …