Category: Privacy

I can't log onto Vivaldi.Social. And that's okay!

For about a week, I haven't been able to log into Vivaldi.Social. I get this error message.…

By publicwolf

NextDNS - Protect Yourself Using DNS

For a little more than a month now, I've been using NextDNS, to see if it can provide another layer of protection against ads, trackers and malware. Here are my impressions.…

By publicwolf

It's FOSS: Менеджеры паролей для Linux

Очередная подборка менеджеров паролей, доступных пользователям Linux. Исходный код большинства из них открыт, но есть в этом списке и проприетарные приложения. …

By Alex Semёnov

Tip #534

Keep your browsing private and clean by turning off Typed History. Suppose you want to hide your recent searches and typed web addresses from view, for example, because you often have people peaking at your screen or…

By Jane

Betreutes Wohnen

Linux kenne ich seit etwa Kernel Version 0.96. Damals war das noch eine sehr spezielle Sache. Kernel kompilieren war Standard.…

By pa8815

DuckDuckGo: Скрытые трекеры и их влияние на конфиденциальность

Команда конфиденциального поисковика DuckDuckGo о том, что такое трекеры и почему вам давно пора задуматься о том, чтобы начать их блокировать.…

By Alex Semёnov

Tip #527

Encrypt emails you send via Vivaldi Webmail. To ensure top-notch privacy for your email correspondence, you can encrypt the emails you send from Vivaldi Webmail. …

By Vivaldi Tips

12 Free Email Services (Without Phone Verification)

Welcome to a list of free email services that do not ask for your phone number. Yep, it’s kind of creepy these days. You need to give away your phone number in exchange for an email account. I mean, while it does add a…

By hotsources

What’s out there?

I think that everything has been explored, in the old days you wonder what’s there at the end but now we know, about nothing. No Man’s Sky game has continuous development and travel all the time for exploration. We…

By ipristy

حديث عن علي، الجمال

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: إذا لبست ثوبا قصيرا أو شفافا فسجدت انكشفت عورتك. فيقول الله: إن هذا الرجل لا يستحي مني ولا يستحي، ولأشجعنه وأرفعنه مع الشجعان. لذلك كن شجاعا دائما. فلما سمع محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم هذه…

By shiatrue

Destructions Organisées

Ceci est une description…

By biokosm