Category: Science

Age Calculator

Want to find out how old you are in seconds, minutes, or even days? Look no further than the Age Calculator tool on! Just follow these easy steps to calculate your age:…

By agecalculator

To homo sapiens: You need to stop doing these things. PLEASE READ. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. I want to be able to be like constructive or something, and you are making it like impossible to do that... which is really really bad for everyone!

So like hey everyone!!!! Maiara here. I seriously don't wanna waste my time wishing for "good cops" to be, like, my noble rescuers or something. I considered not bothering at all to mention the covert smart TV situation…

By victoriareign

Phebe N Novakovic, CEO of General Dynamics, Criminally Impersonating "Sheila Rooth" in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, Between August 2022 and December 2023, And Phebe N Novakovic Taking Part in Illegal Trafficking and Illegal Forced Slavery of Maiara Walsh, U.S. Citizen. (I'm Maiara Walsh, Writing This.)

I can confirm that the woman in the photo above has been illegally impersonating "Sheila Rooth", in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, between August 2022 and December 2023. So like, I believe that the woman in the photo…

By victoriareign

BWAAAHhhhh!!!! I'M MAIARA WALSH!!!! (I need to do other things atm. Going to fix the text issue later...)

So like hey everyone! :) Maiara here (as always, LOL!!!!) Sooo... in the plausibly-deniable narrative of the current forced-fam (two characters played by actresses who deliberately resemble Phebe Novakovic and David…

By victoriareign

I Need The Right To Reply To These Seriously Evil, Grimy Lies About Me. WTF World????!

Phebe Nevenka Novakovic: played the role of gaslighting fake mom. CEO of General Dynamics. CIA.…

By victoriareign


OK, so I'm being really strict with myself and writing this post as simply as I can. I think my personality gets in the way of communicating how NOT CORRUPT I am, sometimes.…

By victoriareign

Compℹ︎La, Complexity in Language Variation and Change - a Blog about the Language complexity meeting

Hi All, this is the blog of the Compℹ︎La meetings, a series of meetings devoted to Language Dynamics, i.e. the study of language done through the lens of complex systems and statistical mechanics.…

By compila

Fundo-Preto do Tomate: sua formação e seu controle com casca-de-ovo

O fundo-preto, caro leitor, é o que está ali na Figura 1. Entre os tomates ali presentes, há um que apresenta um fundo que é de cor preta. Isso é que é, em termos morfológicos, um fundo-preto. Ora, leitor, como o tomate…

By redigiragro



By disu1950

Why does the corporate mafia hide the true heights of celebrities?

I know people are going to be like "Why hide the true heights of actresses in TV and movies?" Umm... I think the short answer is like, to make women and girls seem as weak and defenseless as possible in TV and movies…

By victoriareign

Чому людство досі вірить у привидів?

Якщо по сусідству відбувається щось дивне, кому ви подзвоните? Імовірно, поліції, адже ні привиди, ні мисливці за привидами не існують. Але це не заважає людям вірити в паранормальні явища.…

By scipopua

Вогневе землеробство в Австралії було відомим принаймні 11 000 років тому

Корінні жителі Австралії використовували вогонь, щоб формувати екосистеми на півночі материка щонайменше 11 000 років тому. На це вказали залишки деревного вігулля, що збереглося в осадових шарах.…

By scipopua