Category: Personal

Mâni Oluyor Hâlimi Tahrîre Hicâbım

1990’lardan beri oyunculuk yapıyorum. 2000’lere kadar oyunculuk ücretini elden aldım,sigortasızdım. Akabinde sigortalandım ve 2013 yılına kadar kayıtlı sigortalı tiyatro oyuncusu olarak çalıştım,devlet tiyatrolarının…

By rachmaninoff

Betreutes Wohnen

Linux kenne ich seit etwa Kernel Version 0.96. Damals war das noch eine sehr spezielle Sache. Kernel kompilieren war Standard.…

By pa8815

Várias Variáveis

Quando o Sol Bater na Janela do Seu Quarto lembre-se que existem Mil Maneiras de viver. …

By nyl

Meu medo de sofrer!

Estou chegando a conclusão que na minha vida 90% dos meus problemas se resumem a um só. …

By nyl

To homo sapiens: You need to stop doing these things. PLEASE READ. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. I want to be able to be like constructive or something, and you are making it like impossible to do that... which is really really bad for everyone!

So like hey everyone!!!! Maiara here. I seriously don't wanna waste my time wishing for "good cops" to be, like, my noble rescuers or something. I considered not bothering at all to mention the covert smart TV situation…

By victoriareign

Destino Boeing 737-86N (Paris)

Numa viagem, tudo começa como acaba, num Aeroporto.…

By ophuzi

Opera Presto was the greatest

In our times, the ramblings of the minimalists are of being overwhelmed by a less of an Emacs-like browser with the name 'Vivaldi'. These minimalists stress that a browser is limited to a set of tasks or should I put it…

By kjala


そろそろ自分のデスクが欲しい。 結婚してからすべての勉強と作業は食卓で済ませていました。当初は1LDK物件に住んでいたのですが、LDK部分にエアコンがついていたため食卓は常にエアコンが効いていて一年中快適で、食卓で勉強や作業をしても困ることはなかったのです。…

By yunima

A Plan

A plan is an example of what could happen, not a prediction of what will happen.

By yabozdar

Celebrate LGBT Subculture with Vivaldi

Celebrate LGBT subculture with Vivaldi, the browser that prides itself on its openness and distinctiveness. From leather to rubber, from bears to pups, there's a theme for everyone, and more to…

By glowingfirefly


旦那(以下オット氏)の奨学金の返済が薄給のyunima家にはツラいので、今の状況を把握すべく詳細な資料を請求したところ、高校3年間で合計180万近く借り入れていたことが判明しました😰 Misskeyの方でも過去に何度か書いているのですが、オット氏はLD持ちで漢字が書けず手計算が大の苦手です。オット氏はまだ学校に合理的配慮の義務がない世代の人なので、高校入試において学力検査は数学が足を引っ張って点数が取れず、小論文形式の学校は漢字が書けな…

By yunima

Hey, I got a shell and this is what it's about.

Greetings. It's Kjala and this is my shell. There arise times when we have aha moments and so I have mine. And what better way to release them than a blog. Which is exactly Vivaldi, the greatest chromium browser in the…

By kjala