Category: Miscellaneous

Blogging: un Compendio Universale

Escludendo per un attimo gli illustri predecessori ai fosfori verdi della comunicazione testuale per via telematica, un fatto è certo: il blogging nasce poco dopo la diffusione di internet; precisamente, nella sua forma…

By palmbeach


If I could say, how I feel bewildered, silently unsettled, heaviness under my eyes. Do the days simply pass like this, without slow acknowledgment, without a self anchor?…

By gracema

GOD the Warrior...

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel, the Almighty One, who sent Moses to Egypt to deliver Israel out of the hand of Pharo of Egypt. :…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Prophetic site... Audio-messages and video's and LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

WARNING to the people of this Endtime... 2021...


By The Voice in The Wind.

Yocan Evolve Plus Vaporizer: Popular and Multifeatured

Yocan Evolve Plus Vaporizer is a high technology vaporizer and quite popular amongst people. The use of this vaporizer is not only to reduce smoking but also to save time which you can spend on other activities.…

By optimalvapors

De Liefde van GOD en van Jezus... en de heerlijkheid...

Prediking n.a.v. Jesaja 52 ; 13 -15 . ( DUTCH.NL. EU.)…

By The Voice in The Wind.

How Satan will destroy billions... Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Vivaldi is so much better than Firefox

Not trying to be a sycophant, but...I keep trying to like Firefox, but their overly-aggressive "sign in to sync" system is so frustrating. I send in my email for the (needless) two-factor authentication, and then the…

By dborhanian