Category: Design

De Pierre PLOUHINEC - Ste Marine

Activité au bord de la cale: passage, ramendage....…

By gmalette

HENRI MAURICE CAHOURS| Le peintre Monmartrois à Douarnenez

Henri Maurice CAHOURS Henri Maurice Cahours  fréquentait les Beaux-Arts d’Amiens, en même temps que le lycée. il termina ses études à Lille…

By gmalette

Robert YAN | 1901/1994 & DOUARNENEZ

Les Halles de Douarnenez Fils d'un capitaine au long cours, Robert Yan voit le jour en 1901 à Arcachon. Alors qu'il est encore tout jeune, son père s'installe avec sa famille à Quintin puis à…

By gmalette

Robert Louis ANTRAL - 1895/1939

La Cale Raie Robert Louis ANTRAL était un champenois, de Châlons-sur-Marne – 1895/1939 - élève à l'école des Arts décoratifs de Paris, son apprentissage a été interrompu par la Grande guerre d'où il en revient…

By gmalette

Privacy, Security, and the Web

Photo: 'Protection' - A man walks with a woman under an umbrella on a rainy Chicago city street - Photograph Copyright 2008 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Liquify aka IWarp arrived in Harmony

136 lines of additional vanilla JS code, plus some more lines for new UI elements and I have added my 32nd brush to Harmony, the procedural painting tool: Say hello to Liquify (PS), IWarp (GIMP) or however it is called…

By quhno

Schloss + Lock = Schlock Having recently accepted German citizenship, writer and activist Priya Basil explores the Humboldt Forum from a deeply personal perspective through a short-form film essay. She delves into…

By avvakum

Zazzle Custom T-Shirts Review

My experience designing custom t-shirts on Zazzle….

By rdreammaker

Firefox 89

И снова о дизайне Firefox. Новые табы ужасы. И если чекбоксы стали получше, в том смысле, что они по крайней мере могут быть увеличены, не превратившись в пикселизированный ужас, кнопки по дефолту стали ещё страшнее,…

By tenno-seremel

Jiao Tang

How can you convince the average internet user – like me – to use Vivaldi?  This is the question that has stuck with me since the beginning, and I’ve worked hard to educate and inform people about the browser.  I…

By Kuo

Printing Services Bacong, Negros Oriental, Philippines

Local to Bacong, Negros Oriental, Philippines, is our small print shop covering stickers, document printing or scanning, duplications, print & logo design, cards, and various other party materials. Printing…

By petersontech

Tips on How to Launch Your SaaS Product

In recent years, SaaS (Software as a Service) products have taken over the market and recent researches confirm that these applications are now meant to determine the future direction of the software industry. However,…

By aboutsaas