Category: Personal

demonio meridiano

just in case you didn't realize sed potanda ferens infantibus ubera magnis…

By segaram


初めました、マヌエルと申します。熱心な日本語と韓国語の学生です。 今日はブロクを始めったんですから、嬉しいです!…

By マヌエル

Phebe N Novakovic, CEO of General Dynamics, Criminally Impersonating "Sheila Rooth" in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, Between August 2022 and December 2023, And Phebe N Novakovic Taking Part in Illegal Trafficking and Illegal Forced Slavery of Maiara Walsh, U.S. Citizen. (I'm Maiara Walsh, Writing This.)

I can confirm that the woman in the photo above has been illegally impersonating "Sheila Rooth", in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, between August 2022 and December 2023. So like, I believe that the woman in the photo…

By victoriareign

BWAAAHhhhh!!!! I'M MAIARA WALSH!!!! (I need to do other things atm. Going to fix the text issue later...)

So like hey everyone! :) Maiara here (as always, LOL!!!!) Sooo... in the plausibly-deniable narrative of the current forced-fam (two characters played by actresses who deliberately resemble Phebe Novakovic and David…

By victoriareign

¿Quiénes somos y para qué?

Desde pequeños hemos sido perezosos.Mirando la tele, paraíso del ocioso.Y hablar de la gente que no tiene la mejor importancia, no, no.Siempre mediocres desde la misma lactancia, yeh, yeh.Perdiendo el tiempo, pensando…

By kfr3

Remember a day

Remember a day... A day before today, a time before this time - the endless summer to which we said goodbye and slowly closed the door.…

By toomuchrose


こんにちは。暑いです。突然ですが、今日、6月20日は世界難民の日です。このひとたち何してるんだろう? 何で立ってるんだろう?…

By kitsunekirin

Was This Me Threatening To Expose What They Signposted They Planned To Do To Me In 1995, To Get Them To Stop Changing Personal Story Details On My Public Information In 2011?

Sooo... I know this is like really weird and everything, but I think "masturbation schedules" refers to this "Marky Mark's busy pant dropping schedule" line in the 1995 Clueless movie. You know, Mark Wahlberg as a code…

By victoriareign

Apology To Gigi Hadid and To All of us Celebrities Who Are Girls and Women.

Heyyy all! :( I'm writing this blog post now so that I don't forget to say this at some point. I don't know if it's necessary -- but I totally feel that it's necessary, so I'm saying…

By victoriareign

View Clueless, Barely Lethal, Homeland 2011 episode with Melissa in, Supergirl TV Show starting in 2015, and all my work as well as all the stuff my name's attached to.

Clueless (1995). W sign. All the feminist activism and attitudes, the "Amnesty International" shirt, the other do-gooder stuff that the girls get up to in that movie (like the charity work, and I think there's some…

By victoriareign

I Need The Right To Reply To These Seriously Evil, Grimy Lies About Me. WTF World????!

Phebe Nevenka Novakovic: played the role of gaslighting fake mom. CEO of General Dynamics. CIA.…

By victoriareign