Category: Browser

Прекращение поддержки устаревших операционных систем

Браузеры прекращают поддерживать Windows 7 и 8.1 в 2023 году. Ингве Петтерсен, специалист по разработке и безопасности компании Vivaldi Technologies, объясняет проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются браузеры и почему они…

By Kurai

Припинення підтримки застарілих операційних систем

Браузери припиняють підтримувати Windows 7 та 8.1 у 2023 році. Інгве Петтерсен, фахівець із розробки та безпеки компанії Vivaldi Technologies, пояснює проблеми, з якими стикаються браузери і чому вони припиняють…

By Kurai

GO don no man does sex:

Jeremy has started his exile from talking which will be drought of talking for 10 hours. Starting at 1:39pm 9:41pm…

By pissedoffdad

My Vivaldi theme setup

The wonderful thing about Vivaldi browser is how you can set it up as your perfect browser. For example, I have created two themes that I have scheduled to help me remember to stop working and go home.…

By Gaute Holmin

The Spirit of Vivaldi

I modified a Screenshot with Vivaldi's Spirit on it. ..…

By delabs

Donovan Patton Sends Chaos

Ray Donovan is a series that has a burned on a level that requires she honor every sex thing. Else it is honor chiefdom. Getting jealous over a blond reporter who is cheating in general with Ray Donovan caused…

By pissedoffdad

Nickelodeon in 1996. Burns served as the original host of the series until 2002, when Donovan Patton replaced him as Joe. 

Nickelodeon End Steve was the bit and big news of the time. Steve called Bob for now. Bob was fucking jacking his jerk to try to hurt children everywhere. Bob has thinning hair!! That is a sign of a bad heart! FBI…

By pissedoffdad

25% Authority

Coming now is the N,S,E,W system of catagorization. Firs crew is:…

By pissedoffdad

DOWN (DO as down)

A case for this can be made as DN might jack up North. NH is North and that is troublesome as it is a common reference. Thus, NR must probably be what the more than one abbreviation is. Besides, NT seemed like a…

By pissedoffdad

Idea TPL

Thoughts Thinking and thoughts tracked vaguely or specifically. Where thoughts were proven falsely wrong this is given priority and is thought to be the problem. It is thought because it is thinking. However, it…

By ninetiesearly

How to Build Google Chrome Extensions using your Bubble app

If you're like most developers and designers out there, you've probably started to wonder: "How do I create a Chrome Extension for Bubble?" As it turns out, creating a Chrome Extension for Bubble is surprisingly easy.…

By bhagavati

Cómo configurar tu cuenta de Vivaldi Social en Mastodon

Vivaldi es un navegador y suite de productividad que se desmarca de lo que otros hacen. Digamos que V se ha caracterizado por ser disruptivo, creativo e innovador en el gran ecosistema de los navegadores, con una clara…

By yoditar