Category: Browser

Building beasts and bridges, a Vivaldi way

This entry builds on this Medium article: On Beasts and Bridges…

By jaxroam

Merci Beaucoup Vivaldi !

Came to the conclusion while getting my work organised today that since I've been using Vivaldi and all its attached services, my writing has become more streamlined and stress free. I know that there are various…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Como buscar solo PDFs en Google

Alguna vez has querido buscar solo archivos PDFs en Google pero en las búsquedas te salen cualquier tipo de contenido ? o incluso alguna páginas web que indican contener un archivo PDF pero luego te piden que para poder…

By santiagoflores

My new house, here in Vivaldi

In modern age, the choice of the browser is far more important than a simply problem of deciding which software you prefer to use. Considering that you tipically spend a lot of time inside your browser, it's more a…

By mcastel

Vivaldi 以外のブラウザも私が使う理由

生産的な話がしたい。Vivaldiをけなす意図はないし、現に使っている。 ただ、メインにはFirefoxを使っている。最大の理由は、プロファイルに分けなくてもコンテナで区切ってCookieを別々に保存可能なこと。一人でマルチアカウント利用が必要なウェブサービスがあるため。プライベートブラウジング(シークレットウインドウ)を多用するユースケースが想定されていること。不必要なウェブサイトへの訪問時に、ブラウザ内にCookieなどのゴミを残し…

By 7kamado

Vivaldi: Part 2 - and what do I think?

In my previous post, I described in some (perhaps too much) detail how I came to this browser. Was the journey worth it? Well - yes, but with a couple of reservations. Let me explain.…

By travellinbob

Computerscam Ads.fiancetrack(2).dll

"App Ads.fiancetrack (2) .dll" falske fejlmeddelelse er en fidus, der foregiver at være fra Microsoft for at narre dig til at tro, at din computer er gået ned eller at der er fundet en virus. Det gør dette for at…

By nesega

Vivaldi: Part 1 - the road to Vivaldi

So. I've been using Vivaldi as my daily driver for about a month now. What is my verdict? In a nutshell, I like it - and there's a lot to like. But, like everything in life, it's not perfect.…

By travellinbob…

By mendot250

Test of a browser

Switching to Vivaldi and modernizing bookmarks over speed dials of home screen with some logos from the web, that works for me. I have run Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi and Opera. I use Vivaldi on Ubuntu and with…

By ipristy

Web3 en Vivaldi

Vivaldi, más que un navegador, es una suite de productividad, flexible, segura y orientada a la privacidad. Como parte de su productividad, permite que podamos integrar la Web3 en el navegador sin que esta esté por…

By yoditar

The Calendar and Other Tools

Since I choose to add tasks to my calendar, it becomes easy to monitor my progress each new day. In fact having a calendar or a to do list can definitely help a writer in planning ahead with his/her day or week. To cut…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay