Category: Food

Something a Little Different

My wife always washes any fresh fruits or vegetables we buy. When I saw how she had arranged them on a drying mat I immediately grab my camera and began taking photos. There are eight different types of fruits and…

By robrose

A Nice Way to End the Day

Another hold over from our recent time in Mexico. Santa Clara Rompope is an eggnog like drink made with cream, sugar, eggs and other ingredients with rum so it has 12% alcohol and doesn't need to be refrigerated. We…

By robrose

Community Picnic

Photo: Community Picnic - A color Documentary Photograph - Copyright 2015 Frank J Casella - In this day of communications technology, the Community Picnic is more scarce than ever in keeping up with neighbors and…

By fjcasella

Shredded Chicken with Tomatillo Sauce

We love Mexican food, which means most our meals are, you guessed it, Mexican. For the longest time we resisted buying an Instant Pot (electric pressure cooker) thinking we didn't have room for it in Sophie. Since…

By robrose

Pęczak z pieczarkami

Pokrojoną cebulę wrzucić na roztopione masło, zeszklić. Dodać ok. 200 g pokrojonych pieczarek (najpierw ogonki), posolić. Mieszać. Gdy część płynu odparuje dodać pokrojony ząbek czosnku, 4 łyżki pęczaku, pieprz, lubczyk…

By viola

Quartzsite Potluck

Potluck - A meal when everyone brings a dish of their choice to share with the group. Churches are known to be a hot bed of potluck dinners, but RVers are also big on this wonderful taste treat. The best part is you…

By robrose

Words Matter

In a moment of contemplation regarding the increase in my body weight I was observing each morning when I stepped on the scales, I told my wife I was going to limit myself to one glass of wine a day. Obviously she took…

By robrose

Tea Time

My wife is a life long coffee drinker, while I prefer a wide variety of loose leaf teas. My usual method of brewing those delectable young leaves and leaf buds of Camellia sinensis is to weigh the tea out and steep…

By robrose

A Taste of Africa

Three years ago we traveled throughout southern Africa. A pleasant memory was the evening we drank Amarula while watching wildlife walking across an area filled with red rocks between us and the setting sun. Thanks to a…

By robrose

Remembering Times Past

There are many ways to say it, one being: "If you never knew about it you can't miss it." Unfortunately for much of our life there was a Trader Joe's just a few minutes away from where we lived. With our homes of the…

By robrose

Thoughts of food

Currently visiting family over the holidays. Our gift to our granddaughter of "Mexico One Plate at a Time" by Rick Bayless was perfect in more ways than one. Nothing like super delicious flan for dessert. In less than a…

By robrose

Tomatensalat mit Chili und Limette

Zutaten 3 Fleischtomaten1 Zwiebel, rot1 Knoblauchzehe, klein1 Bund Koriander1 Chilischote, rot1 Biolimetteetwas Salz…

By behrev