Category: Literature

The Inner Jew

The best political, social and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others.…

By Cezar

Once Again

Once again I walk in silent rooms and gloomy galleries. Dark portraits gaze from gilded frames at tragic ghosts who walk through walls in fruitless quest to escape this place of shuttered light and time forever…

By toomuchrose

Ein Abkürzungsverzeichnis und mehr

Dies soll denen helfen mehr zu verstehen, die durch Abkürzungen ansonsten von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen werden. Aber auch denen, die diese Abkürzungen meist unbedacht verwenden, soll es helfen.…

By anDromedar

Welcome Autumn !

Autumn waltzes in languidly in tropical countries. We often do not see her colors as those residing in colder climes do. We feel her mellow footsteps in the air with the gradual departure of the subcontinental monsoon…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

The letter "S" used to be typeset like the letter "f"

I stumbled upon this digitized version of Adam Smith's seminal book, The Wealth of Nations…, and observed that the letter "s" was written similar to the letter "f", with only the bar removed:

By masterboy

Talent Cliff

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.…

By Cezar

It’s relative!

The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories.…

By Cezar

The Dream-Life of Late Summer

The dream-life of an imaginary afternoon, in an imaginary garden. Silent statues gaze at nobody, nobody returns their gaze. We commune with twittering birds, a consort of insects buzz and click a glittering gavotte in…

By toomuchrose


Sange indígena na luta por justiça A condução do primeiro indígena a uma cadeira da ABL vem carregada de simbologia. A Cadeira 5, também foi a cadeira da primeira mulher da Entidade, Rachel de Queiroz e ficou…

By ProfFábio

In Defense of the Written Word

Speaking less has its benefits. You expend less energy. You are less misunderstood. You do not have to tailor-make your words for the audience concerned, You become a silent observer of things both necessary as well as…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Arad - Center

So, here is the final article about my voyage to Arad. After covering the northern, eastern, southern and western part of the city center, we will have a walk in the downtown area around the town hall. It was my…

By Cezar

Arad - West

In this article I will resume the voyage through central Arad, continuing the articles about the north, east and south. As done previously, I will show you the city as it is, although a decent amount of work already…

By Cezar