Category: Technology

Tips on How to Launch Your SaaS Product

In recent years, SaaS (Software as a Service) products have taken over the market and recent researches confirm that these applications are now meant to determine the future direction of the software industry. However,…

By aboutsaas

Keys to press, buttons to look.

On the left side is about 30 years old solar calculator that still works and on the right is a laptop from 2020, why did it take so long to get calculator style keyboard and as far design goes, it's not there yet. I…

By ipristy

Great SaaS Website Design Trends To Follow

With the SaaS business model, companies no longer have to install and lаunch their software on their mаchines or data centers. This reduces the cost of purchаsing hаrdware, аs well as ownership аnd support, software…

By aboutsaas

Ranking All Major Browser's

I Ranked All Major Browser's, Here Are The Rankings. Watch The Video To Go Along With The Blog Post.…

By gyizr

Email is the Original Social Media

Photo: 'Rooftop Winter Sunset - Impressionism' Copyright 2021 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Vivaldi Tabs...

As a Vivaldi Ambassador I have fielded a few questions regarding Tabs. Many new users seem to have difficulty when in the Tabs portion of the Settings. I may not clarify it fully but will give my take on Tabs and how I…

By greybeard

Great design, poor print

I used Tinkercad to make my latest Retro-design rocketship. The forward-swept wings, the thick fin-root nacelles, the pointy nose and the long cockpit canopy are reminiscent of the American space race design phase…


Photo Sharing Services

I take a lot of photos. Some of family. Some of nature. No selfies, though. Sharing these photos with others is a big part of the joy of photography. But to do that you need the right sharing services. This is a blog…

By lonm

USB virus

It’s not an .exe infection but more like hardware on USB devices. How do i know if i have it, well it’s making mouse pointer sluggish and ports are warm or hot to the touch and sometimes Linux reports USB descriptor…

By ipristy

20 years more of tech...

NFS stands for network file system, some day we will have this with zero fragmentation and IP file access system. The Web is faster with opening complex site than a large Word document from local storage. New OS will be…

By ipristy

RIP Huey & Louie

Silent Running made me sad. I was sad when HAL9000 was shut down too, but the loss of Louie outside the ship, and with Lowell detonating the nuclear charges, destroying the Valley Forge, losing Huey in the process…