Category: Travel

A Chair Repair

Another post where I try something different in the way it is presented. Clicking on the image will enlarge it.…

By robrose

Sonnet to the Glorious Fire Ring

Some days ago I played around with posting something entirely different, a video in praise of the fire ring. Done hurriedly, it was definitely NOT one of my better moments. Now comes the greatly revised edition which…

By robrose

A Place Where Nature Rocks

Some 26.5 million years ago a nearby volcano erupted spewing out huge masses of ash and pumice. In the end over 2000 feet (610 meters) had accumulated, hardening into rock. It is the weathered remains of that rock that…

By robrose

It is Quite the Quilt

We received a very unexpected gift this past Holiday Season, a quilt from a dear friend of our daughter and her husband. As a twist on a famous quote: "The Lady Doth Seweth to Excess". With the cold weather we have been…

By robrose

Happy Day's Are Here Again

You'd think we live a fairly boring life when we can get excited about doing the laundry. Put in context, you might see those awesome wonders of modern technology in a different light if you saw them through our eyes.…

By robrose

A Very Refreshing Day

After 21 days of boondocking there was one thing we looked forward to more than anything else. You guessed it! A nice long shower. In the desert it is always dusty, and the need to apply shampoo twice indicated where a…

By robrose

No! They are NOT Blue Snakes

After 18 days of boondocking/no hookups/dry camping (take your pick) we are in an RV park with full hookups. Besides water, electric and sewer, we have 4 bars on our Visible cell phone data service so we can stream with…

By robrose

Trying Something New

Click on the image for something special

By robrose

Building a Fire Ring

Completed fire ringShowing stacking and gapsHeight of the ring Click on image for full size view…

By robrose

A Change of Scenery

What a difference a day makes. We are now about 75 miles south of Quartzsite parked on what is called Quail Hill. The dusty rocky terrain of Quartzsite has been replaced with sand and gravel which supports a great deal…

By robrose

Someone Had a Bad Day

It must have happened some time ago as there is not much left of what was once an RV, the larger pieces having been taken away. The boxy object on the left side is the remains of the oven. When RVs catch on fire, unless…

By robrose


Today I visited a place that I would call “the Deep Alsace”. It looked like an abandoned place and it was scary as hell, despite the good weather. The photos that follow can be an answer for why the Germanic places hide…

By Cezar