Category: Miscellaneous

Live and Direct!

Live and Direct!…

By davidlewis

On Sontag

Sontag is the heart of the brains' knowledge, or the brain of the heart's knowledge. Having finished (with some skipped pages), Under the Sign of Saturn, I feel, with a form of genuineness, invigorated. Sontag begins…

By gracema

Precedente paulino

Paulo vive insistindo em suas cartas que é um apóstolo pela vontade Deus e não pela vontade de qualquer outra pessoa. De perseguidor do cristianismo passou a ser o mais fervoroso cristão (um ex-cristofóbico, portanto)…

By mrclmlt


Waited for an inevitable downpour today, which never came, and all for the better, because the drizzle, cold, autumnal, was a small wonder to bike with, something about the smoother roads, perpetual squinting and…

By gracema

Высшая математика с 450 по 1800 года

В эту эпоху было много великих индийских математиков. Среди них были Арьябхата (ок. 476-550 гг.) и Брахмагупта (ок. 598-670 гг.). Известным математиком был также перс по имени аль-Хорезми. Он жил в начале 9 века. Он…

By currentmat

Парадокс отвореног софтвера

На друштвеним мрежама и у програмским заједницама често се инсинуира да постоји директна сразмера између количине новца датог за кодирање, квалитета урађеног и нивоа потражње. Што рече Мелинда Варјан, најбољи код…

By acojovanovic

GOD testifies again about His return...

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of creation, of the heavens and the earth :…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Jó 9,8-10

  A natureza dispensa apresentações no que diz respeito à sua encantadora beleza exuberante que, ainda por cima, é acompanhada de todos os outros benefícios que nos dá além desta beleza. Quem crê em Deus vê…

By mrclmlt

I Had Failed to Consider Fall

This line moved in and out of my mind for a few days—here's the now accompanying poem: It was not what I saw but what gave way...Not what gave way but what did not...So the pale moon sets forththe night so long…

By gracema