Category: Miscellaneous

Vécu en famille...

des samedis, des dimanches, ou les deux réunis Quelques nouvelles de nos débuts : )…

By titenfnat

Auguries of Innocence (by William Blake)

To see a world in a grain of sand,And heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.A robin redbreast in a cagePuts all heaven in a rage.A dove-house fill'd with doves and…

By deusoz

Ananta Shesha

Patanjali is considered to be a special incarnation of Shesha who came down to admire the dance of Shiva Nataraja and to receive and transmit the knowledge of yoga from Shiva. In the Bhagavad GIta, when in the middle of…

By deusoz

Istanbul Travel Links

Introduction Istanbul is a wonderful city that is popular with people of all ages and from all walks of life. If you are looking for a great vacation that is filled with excitement and adventure, then consider making…

By canburaks


Under the darkling empyrean, the sun retreats from winter's freezing kiss, leaving just a radiance before the pale moon stares down like the unseeing eye of a slaughtered horse. The Oak tree, now in winter sleep,…

By toomuchrose


In the 21st century, to be in love with another is more necessary than ever. I have tried self-love, self-care, personal development, stress eating, book diving. Nothing, nothing is a better antidote than love between…

By gracema

Jogando Xadrez no

Com a pandemia correndo solto, somos obrigados a permanecer em nossas casas. Chega um momento em que precisamos algo para preencher nosso tempo, e, para quem gosta de xadrez, existem várias opções de xadrez…

By rhardt

A Winter's Tale

In the quiet squares and gardens of London in winter, the sky is etched by the delicate lacework tracery of plane trees. Here, Georgian terraces stand in stuccoed ranks, pillared porticoes and panelled windows, facades…

By toomuchrose

Incoherent rhymes...

Yum! That's good...…

By oakdaleftl


茨城県神栖市にある神社で東国三社の1社で久那戸神 (くなどのかみ)を祀っている。鹿島神宮からだと車で20〜30分程度。 鹿島神宮や香取神社は周辺が観光地となっているが、ここは地元の神社のような雰囲気で、人も少なく静かな場所だった。…

By kimura


Out here on the remote eastern edge of England, two thousand years ago the Romans built a fort to defend the entrance to the river Blackwater. When they left, the fort fell into ruins. In 654 St Cedd built a church on…

By toomuchrose


鹿島アントラーズで有名な茨城県鹿嶋市にある神社。東国三社の1社で常陸国一之宮。関東では歴史時がある神社で武甕槌神(タケミカヅチ)を祀っている。 駐車場は神社周辺は有料で3〜500円程度。徒歩5分ぐらいのところに無料駐車場もある。…

By kimura