Category: Recent

Characters of the 19th Century

War of 1812 James Madison…

By oldfreebie


自己紹介 こんにちは。葛城吉隠(かつらぎ よなばり)と申します。大和国に住んでいる人間です。趣味は、今のところは音楽鑑賞やゲームプレイ、御朱印集めです。音楽鑑賞は、クラシック音楽をメインに聴いております。ゲームプレイは、Cities:SkylineやMinecraftを主にプレイしております。御朱印集めは、大学院時代の修士論文を書き終えたのを契機に始め、今では愛車のFiat500 Twinair…

By K_Yonabari

Tip #556

Last tab closed - keep the window or say goodbye? You decide! Vivaldi on desktop allows you to choose what happens when you close the last tab. If you often close all tabs to start fresh, you might want to keep the…

By Vivaldi Tips

Loot de l’été !

Bonjour ! Oui, ça fait très longtemps que je n’avais plus fait d’articles de loot, hein ! La faute au fait que, chaque année, je n’étais pas chez moi en semaine, et aussi au fait que j’ai préféré faire un seul article…

By Trit’

I'm back...

So it's been a while - a good two or three months since I posted anything, and perhaps, Gentle Reader, you've been wondering where this aging hippy has been hiding. Truth to be told, nowhere. I've been getting on with…

By travellinbob

Characters of the 17th Century

1607-1610 Pocahontas…

By oldfreebie

Characters of the 16th Century

1500-1519 Leonardo da Vinci…

By oldfreebie

How to remove client sender IP from postfix

There may have different methods to implement this feature. But I use the way from answer from serverfault.…

By fenghe

Sept. 4, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Spremuta amara al gusto privacy

Il costo sociale della sorveglianza, dello spionaggio e monitoraggio dei cittadini, viene scarico su interi popoli come esternalità negative dalle corporazioni, con il nome di Carbon Tax, commettendo un duplice…

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