Category: Recent

Lepsze zarządzanie kartami, usprawnienia przeglądania i poprawki błędów – oto Vivaldi 6.9!

Dziś z przyjemnością przedstawiamy Wam Vivaldi 6.9 – wydanie na pierwszy rzut oka niepozorne, ale pełne ulepszeń. W Vivaldi dokładamy starań, by każde wydanie czymś się wyróżniało – czy to przez wprowadzenie nowych…

By pafflick

Tab management leveled up, more efficient browsing and squashed bugs: Vivaldi 6.9 is here!

Vivaldi 6.9 brings powerful new features like tab renaming for better organization, drag-and-drop downloads for quicker file management, and a clearer view of your synced tabs across devices. We’ve also fine-tuned…

By Jane

Scribacchiando e Ideando

Innanzitutto bisogna capire che non siamo nessuno. Essendo tanti "nessuno", la sola cosa che possiamo raggiungere è un avanzamento del nostro essere al cospetto di noi stessi. Solo dopo questo avanzamento potremo…

By palmbeach

"Killed by Police Over Eight Dollars – Ethan Saylor's Story"

Content Warning: Disability and Police Violence (May be disturbing to some) On January 12, 2013, 26-year-old Ethan Saylor of New Market Maryland, went to the movies to see "Zero Dark Thirty", for the second time. After…

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

Magnitude 6+ El Salvador

Just another cycle in the continuum. I saw this this afternoon (late, I know)…

By weatherlawyer

Etna or Iceland?

This Cold Front through Russia to Germany is likely the remains of the one produced with the earthquake on the 24th August 2024. It looks like running a series of furter shock until the 28th. Then another series of…

By weatherlawyer

The thief in the night ...  …

By The Voice in The Wind.

Late Philip J Fry

Post Futurella…

By oldfreebie

FK: environmentalism has lost its way; the two parties have switched positions

RFK wants to clean up our food supply. Here he talks about how the environmental movement has gone astray, no longer caring about toxins, only about carbon. And thus, it has rejected him. He says the two parties have…

By paul1149


3026 AD…

By oldfreebie

Futurama (1999-2013)

Last New Republic of…

By oldfreebie

1000 Years Future for Futurama

Galactic Federation…

By oldfreebie