Category: Recent
Price is Right Caps are Left
When the Apostle Paul said difficult times, hard to deal with will be here, he never mentioned capitalism or tyrranny, did he?…
A Different Psychology
It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that.…
By Cezar
Due Next
Nothing since Russia 6.5M. 150 km E of Dolinsk, Russia 2024-08-10 04:28:32 (UTC+…
Koelreuteria paniculata
Koelreuteria paniculata - Golden Rain Tree - Blasenesche - Bugás Csörgőfa…
By Cezar
The Attack on Free Speech
The oncoming American election hot on the heels of the British one is now going to go critical. Elon Musk hosting President Trump and the Vice President of America refusing to take part; I have no idea if Joe Potato in…
Evangelie-boodschap. ( Dutch.NL.EU ) [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""]…
Olimpia és a hisztéria
Véget ért az év egyik legfontosabb, mindenképp leglátványosabb és utólag egyértelműen kijelenthető, hogy legmegosztóbb sporteseménye, a párizsi Olimpia. PÁRIZS MINDEN SZEMPONTBÓL EGYEDI OLIMPIÁT HOZOTT ÖSSZE!…
By dolby
Forklift 4 Quick Start Guide på dansk
Introduktion Velkommen til ForkLift 4 – din alt-i-én-løsning til effektiv filhåndtering og problemfri filoverførsel på tværs af flere platforme og tjenester. Vi forstår, at adgang til, organisering, synkronisering og…
By nesega