Category: Recent
そして解決しました。 AndroidにはGoogle謹製の「メッセージ」というアプリがあり、今はデフォルトでこのアプリがインストールされているスマホも多いと思います。…
By smultron
この前Barakan Beatを聴いていたらとある曲に一気に注意を奪われました。それがTalvin SinghのOKという曲です。 OK · Talvin Singh…
By smultron
mais um filme para a conta
Demorei um século para escolher um filme no catálogo de streaming, isso por ser verdade o que se diz, quanto mais opções, mais complicado é para se escolher. Em todo caso, escolhi um filme de 1996 (típico meu), chamado…
By Rai
New Blog for my experiments in art
I've done a blog before, briefly, but thought it might be fun to document some art experiments...or find a place to journal the things I enjoy in art. This will be that place.…
By susanbjerke
.Happy Anniversary Smokey Bear Smokey Bear August 9, 1944” Our Carelessness. Their Secret Weapon. “Protect our forest friends …
By i_ri
The King of the North
Kings of Tyre any of the allies of Judean Kings David and Solomon and by extension everyone else we never heard of. This is prophecy and we have to make out whatever we can from such things, literally as the spirit…
The King of the NorthandSouth
A Confession A long time ago I was hit with the sort of madness that affected Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, that Jehovah God took to his heart -which brings me to the Theatre of the…
GOD speaks to the inhabitants of the earth...