Category: Recent
LEDVANCE smart plug fra Jem & Fix
Jeg skal måske starte med at forklare hvad en smart plug er. Det er en adapter man sætter i en almindelig stikkontakt, der gør det muligt at tænde og slukke de enheder, som er tilsluttet adapteren via en…
By nesega
تلك الظروف الصعبة لم تؤثر فيهم
صمموا على البقاء في بيتهم رغم إحاطة قوات الاحتلال بهم ودمرا إسرائيل المنطقة بخمسة صواربخ لكن الرجل بقي حيا
By basyouni
Das Substantiv Vergebung
Vergebung ist nur dann möglich, wenn vorab die Verantwortung der Person, der zu vergeben wäre, von dieser Person selbst anerkannt wurde. Das bedeutet, die nicht wahrgenommene Verantwortung für ein Tun oder eine…
By pa8815
Sailing safely (while killing nuisance birds)
There is something that is often not really convincing in Apple commercials, at least in my opinion. I mean, technically they're made very well, they're made by people who know how to make them. About this, nothing to…
By mcastel
Midnight, and the sound of the sea. Midnight...the sound of the sea, the sigh of the breeze. Watching the dark distance, looking out across the shimmering skin of the ocean towards the edge of the world; no ships, no…
By toomuchrose
python3系の標準ライブラリにmultiprocessingというのがあります。こいつが大変便利で、例えば from multiprocessing import Pool…
By loupsgarous
Tip #541
Skip to the right section in Quick Commands with Keyboard Shortcuts. In Quick Commands you'll find your open and recently closed Tabs, Bookmarks, History, Page Actions, a list of available commands in Vivaldi, Command…
By Vivaldi Tips