Category: Recent

Come qualcosa che ti cade in testa

La paura della morte è simile alla paura che qualcosa prima o poi ti cadrà in testa. Solo che 1)non avrai tempo per rendertene conto 2)non sarà oggi e neanche domani. Il fatto che non si saprà il momento per certi versi…

By Juan

Tip #528

Add flair to your posts on Vivaldi Social with Vivaldi's very own emojis. In addition to the basic emoji set, Mastodon, instances can add custom emojis. We've added some Vivaldi-related emojis to Vivaldi Social,…

By Vivaldi Tips

July 17, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14


買ったもの IdeaPad Flex 3i Gen8 というやつです。通常価格で4万円弱の製品ですが、年末だかスプリングセールだかのときに3万円弱まで落ちているのを見ていたので、次にこの価格に落ちてきたら買おうと決めてました。…

By 10nin

It's FOSS: Дистрибутивы Linux с XFCE

XFCE сейчас не так популярен, как GNOME, KDE Plasma и даже Cinnamon, но фанатов у него хватает. Если и вы подыскиваете удобную ОС с рабочим окружением XFCE, вот вам небольшая подборка дистрибутивов, к которым стоит…

By Alex Semёnov

July 17

Matthew 18:1 The disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Psalm 51:17 The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not…

By theophan


senza città senza casa senza appartenenza senza accettare termini e condizioni senza essere capito e senza voglia di farmi capire senza annoiarmi senza vergogna senza nessuna traduzione neppure parziale senza dare…

By danilomelideo

Foolish Lone Wolves

We can’t lead anyone further than we have been ourselves.…

By Cezar

To homo sapiens: You need to stop doing these things. PLEASE READ. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. I want to be able to be like constructive or something, and you are making it like impossible to do that... which is really really bad for everyone!

So like hey everyone!!!! Maiara here. I seriously don't wanna waste my time wishing for "good cops" to be, like, my noble rescuers or something. I considered not bothering at all to mention the covert smart TV situation…

By victoriareign


My top 4 Vivaldi features are:…

By Jane


My top 5 Vivaldi features are:…

By Jane


My top 5 Vivaldi features are:…

By Jane