Category: Recent

Celebrate LGBT Subculture with Vivaldi

Celebrate LGBT subculture with Vivaldi, the browser that prides itself on its openness and distinctiveness. From leather to rubber, from bears to pups, there's a theme for everyone, and more to…

By glowingfirefly

Tip #525

Hide unneeded calendars in Vivaldi Calendar temporarily from view. When you're trying to get an overview of what's planned in a certain aspect of your life, hiding irrelevant events and tasks from view in the Vivaldi…

By Vivaldi Tips

Budapest Városliget

The Budapest City Park (Városliget in Hungarian, Stadtwäldchen in German) is one of the biggest parks of the Hungarian capital city, close to Heroes' Square. I previously shared some photos from it, such as those of…

By Cezar

the tooth

are we talking dentistry here? no, not really - although what is common is that both relate to and/or refer to one's mouth.As in 'mouthing off'.…

By mxmwriter

July 11, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

comet and spectroscopic observations on 10 july

This evening, i could obtain some spectra and some comets during this short night. Comets that could be observed are: C/2019 T4, C/2020 R7, C/2021 S3, C/2022 U1. With the LHiReSS spectrograph i could obtain high…

By astrobry


旦那(以下オット氏)の奨学金の返済が薄給のyunima家にはツラいので、今の状況を把握すべく詳細な資料を請求したところ、高校3年間で合計180万近く借り入れていたことが判明しました😰 Misskeyの方でも過去に何度か書いているのですが、オット氏はLD持ちで漢字が書けず手計算が大の苦手です。オット氏はまだ学校に合理的配慮の義務がない世代の人なので、高校入試において学力検査は数学が足を引っ張って点数が取れず、小論文形式の学校は漢字が書けな…

By yunima

July 11

Isaiah 41:13 I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all…

By theophan

di ventotto ce n’è uno

la notte del ventotto febbraio del duemilaventuno in cielo c’era questa luna e davanti a me c’erano i cassonetti della spazzatura e di fianco palazzi con stanze dalle luci spente e stanze dalle luci accese ma…

By danilomelideo


SMBv1 DISABLE To disable SMBv1 using Windows Registry, search for regedit in the Start menu and open it.…

By disu1950


RSAT FOR WIN7 Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows® 7 with SP1 enables IT administrators to manage roles and features that are installed on computers that are running Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows Server®…

By disu1950

How to Start Listening to Audiobooks: A Beginner's Guide

Audiobooks have revolutionized the way we consume literature, making it possible to enjoy books while commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing. If you’re new to audiobooks and wondering how to get started, this guide…

By everand