Category: Recent
Is Kaneh-Bosm, Natures Multipurpose Pharmaceutical – Historical, Medical and Scriptural Evidence
Historical and Scriptural "Cannabis burst across the Western medicine horizon after its introduction by William O’Shaughnessy in 1838", as one study below states. However, use of the flower for therapeutic benefit has…
12.20 早报 | 三名男子因涉嫌杀害Owen Sound餐馆老板在英国被捕; 美国加州因禽流感爆发宣布进入紧急状态; 亚马逊七个美国工厂员工罢工,抗议不公平对待
三名男子因涉嫌杀害Owen Sound餐馆老板在英国被捕…
Daft Punk "TRON Legacy"
Lors de la séparation du groupe tout le monde a parlé des nombreux albums qu'ils ont composés mais je n'ai pas entendu parlé de ce merveilleux album qu'est la musique du film "Tron" composée par Daft Punk un album sans…
By Olivier
この記事は、Vivaldi Social(JP) 部活動/ビバ丼 Advent Calendar 2024 20日目の記事です。 この記事をめっちゃ要約すると…
By tasloid
Journal that published faulty black plastic study removed from science index - Ars Technica - 2024-12-19
The publisher of a high-profile, now-corrected study on black plastics has been removed from a critical index of academic journals amid questions about quality criteria, according to a report by Retraction Watch. On…
By canadianguy
Handwriting activates broader brain networks than typing, study shows - PsyPost - 2024-12-19
While keyboards dominate modern classrooms, a new study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests handwriting may be irreplaceable when it comes to learning. Researchers found that writing by hand activates far more extensive…
By canadianguy
Tip #621
Find out when you last visited a website in Vivaldi on Android from Site Info. …
By Vivaldi Tips
WAKE UP... ( CLIP - made with Clipchamp.mp4 ) …
Freewallet support won’t help you!
Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! …
By serhiokanzer
Pessimiste optimiste
Citation d'Antonio Gramsci… (membre fondateur du parti communiste italien) :
By Yab(oN)
12.19 晚报 | 以色列空袭也门胡塞武装据点和能源设施,至少18人死亡;法国法院判决Dominique Pelicot强奸罪成立,获刑20年;里士满山珠宝店抢劫案:两名男子和两名青少年被捕
以色列空袭也门胡塞武装据点和能源设施,至少18人死亡 周四清晨,以色列对也门胡塞武装控制地区的港口和能源基础设施发动了空袭,并威胁将对这个与伊朗结盟的武装组织进行更多打击。过去一年中,胡塞武装向以色列发射了数百枚导弹。 在也门,至少有18人在这次空袭中丧生。胡塞武装发射的一枚导弹摧毁了一所以色列学校大楼。消防员正在也门南部萨那的Haziz电站处理以色列空袭后的现场火灾。 以色列军方发言人Nadav…