Category: Recent

Vivaldi Christmas sweater is here!

This holiday season you can stay warm and cozy in a Vivaldi-themed knit Christmas sweater. Available in 3 different colors - order yours now on the link below. 👇…

By Jane

Linux Mints Historie

Linux Mint er en populær Linux-distribution, der er kendt for sin brugervenlighed og fokus på at levere en stabil og elegant desktop-oplevelse. Men hvordan opstod denne distribution egentlig?…

By nesega

Welcome to this space.

Since this is my first post, and I'm new to Vivaldi, you might call this post an experiment of sorts. For many years, I've blogged using Blogger, but I decided to delete my Google account and say good-bye to big tech,…

By lynnskyi

"拉丁美洲,一个没有腿却依然行走的人民"大流行 发达国家 …

By awodore

Klippe-klistre i Linux Mint

Hvis du har brug for en klippe-klistre funktion i din Linux Mint, kan jeg anbefale appen Shutter, som fungerer meget lig den klippe-klistre funktion, der er indbygget i Windows. Du kan installere Shutter fra…

By nesega

Tip #600

Create Keyboard Shortcuts for opening and closings individual Web Panels. Keyboard Shortcuts are excellent for opening and closing Web Panels for a quick glance. But before you toggle Web Panels with Keyboard…

By Vivaldi Tips

Nov. 20, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Dwarf 2 telescope and rediscovering Astronomy

My degree's are in Astronomy, and I have been fascinated by the sky since I could look up. In the early 2000's I bought a 10" newtonian (Orion Optics!) and although it did work incredibly well, the sheer size and bulk…

By desdinova

November 20

Proverbs 11:20 The LORD… delights in those whose ways are blameless. Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will…

By theophan