Category: Recent
先週の日曜日に修理に預けた、初代RARE(R009)がもう帰ってきた!?たった5日!めっちゃ早い! 修理箇所は股から腿にかけてのところだけど、こんな風になってた。…
By aritosato
Between Worlds
Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go.…
By Cezar
Melbourne's car-brained urban planning in the '60s and '70s
Q: We have this train station called Huntingdale in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne. It's served by both the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines. What should we build next to it?…
By AJ Sadauskas
The real faces behind Freewallet's deception!
Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian…
By serhiokanzer
Ny installationsprocedure til Windows 11
For at slippe for efter-opdateringer af Windows 11 besluttede jeg mig for at lave et nyt USB installationsmedie til afløsning af mit 2 år gamle installationsmedie. Jeg lavede en ny USB pind ved hjælp af Windows Creation…
By nesega
Pierwszy posiłek: śniadanie
Śniadanie rozkładam na dwa posiłki: jeden o 9.00, drugi o 11.00. Ten wcześniejszy poprzedzony jest insuliną krótko działającą - 3,5 lub 4 jednostki. Czasami to wystarczy na cały dzień, a czasami potrzebna jest dawka…
By Piotr
Tip #586
Access your most visited web pages on mobile from the Top Sites group on the Start Page. In addition to Speed Dials, you can have an automatically generated group of your most visited web pages on the Start…
By Vivaldi Tips
Dodawanie pliku do Kindle
Kindle to popularny czytnik ebook’ ów. Jak wysłać jakieś pliki do Kindle? …
By Piotr