Category: Featured

Monarch Butterflies Love Our Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly weed)

We have two butterfly weed plants in our backyard and this seems to be the time of the year the monarchs are busy producing new monarchs. It seems everywhere we look we can see monarch caterpillars.…

By robrose

The Suspended Time

Annecy Castle, built in the 12th century, residence of the counts of Geneva. And yes, timeless.…

By Cezar

Grilled Salmon and the Trimmings

Planked chilpolte and lime salmon so fresh of the grill the plank is still glowing. Glazed asparagus, stuffed mushrooms and sliced small cucumbers and sweet peppers. I think her artistic side came out today. We may…

By robrose

Updating the Vivaldi Themes website

A few months back, I got a question from a colleague about the Vivaldi Themes… website:

By Thomas Pike


I don’t want to criticize but I will. This is one of the most iconic photos I have ever taken in France.…

By Cezar

Gardening Is Never Done

Having bolted the new metal raised bed together and placed them where the family gardening goddess requested, it was time to transfer the soil from the existing raised bed to the new ones. We learned over the years a…

By robrose

Birds of a Feather Really Do Flock Together

I like to do the grocery shopping early in the morning, especially during the three months when the 'Winter Texans" have their annual Rio Grand Valley migration and our local HEB grocery store becomes packed by mid…

By robrose

A truly space beagle

The Artemis I… mission was, as we know, a complete success, and is destined to represent a clear turning point, to symbolically open (because in fact is already underway) the new race towards the Moon.

By mcastel

A New Monarch Appears

A few days ago Linda noticed a green chrysalis on the side of our chiminea. Today when she checked it, the butterfly had already emerged.…

By robrose

Golden Hour on the Fence

Photo: 'Golden Hour on the Fence' - Copyright 2015 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Libraries Should be a Home for the Cloud

Throughout history the library has been a place for the masses to get free access to information and to help grow their abilities, their culture, their knowledge. I think they would be a perfect home for the…

By lonm

The moon of Makemake

There is a whole world, besides the small cabotage of classical astronomy, that of a school textbook. And that's exactly what fascinates me most. I'm curious about what is in the shade, what is not in the spotlight. We…

By mcastel