Category: Featured

The DIgital World, Respond or React.

Photo: 'Red in the Wooded Winter' Copyright 2021 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

The boring market report, Feb 3rd 2021

We talked about the short squeezes, which if coordinated, can lead to strong bull markets. This is usually the case when prices reach an area around the one year high, which is seen as resistance, and so many are…

By Dragon Trader

Listening to the Weather

I find the weather forecasts here to be somewhat lacking. To make up for this I usually grab my scanner and press the weather button but I am finding that too easy. (I do like make things difficult for myself.) …

By greybeard

An eventful couple of days

On Thursday 28th January, I had booked my car in for a service and MoT test at Halfords in Bangor, who know the car well. As it is twelve years old, there is always a degree of suspense about the outcome, even though it…

By johnbyde

Vivaldi Tabs...

As a Vivaldi Ambassador I have fielded a few questions regarding Tabs. Many new users seem to have difficulty when in the Tabs portion of the Settings. I may not clarify it fully but will give my take on Tabs and how I…

By greybeard

Great design, poor print

I used Tinkercad to make my latest Retro-design rocketship. The forward-swept wings, the thick fin-root nacelles, the pointy nose and the long cockpit canopy are reminiscent of the American space race design phase…


Visualization for a Spline

Sometimes it is helpful to tweak the objects so that they are easier to see; the glass material was making it hard to see what was going on here. And the floor plane cut off the bottom of the bottle. Now it looks like I…

By matthew.cherry

Tree Tops Minimalism

Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Community poll: Will you be using Vivaldi's new Two-Level Tab Stacks?

The first month of 2021 is coming to an end and it's time for January's last Friday poll. This time our question is about the newest feature in Vivaldi - Two-Level Tab Stacks, which we released this week in Vivaldi 3.6.…

By Team Vivaldi

Photography Equipment

I've used a lot of different kinds of camera when taking my photos. In this blog post I'll talk about some of the ones I used and how well they worked.…

By lonm

Make Yesterday Today's Friend

Lay out your workout clothes the night before. Clean the coffee maker while doing the dinner dishes so that it's ready to brew first thing the following morning.…

By tradesmanhelix

WhatsApp damage control is sleazy at best

WhatsApp has been in the news quite a bit since the inception of its "new" privacy policy agreement and the announcement of the same to it's 2 billion users. I say "new" because the same policy has existed for as long…

By fluffybob