Category: Recent

Lendo arquivos TOML com C

Você fazia ideia dessa possibilidade? pois é, por um tempo eu também não fazia ideia, mas por a caso vasculhando pela web acabei encontrando essa biblioteca C que é extremamente fácil e simples de usar. O que são…

By tesseracto

rendre le ciel


By segaram

contrabbandiere di rimpianti

sono un contrabbandiere di rimpianti e viaggio su un furgone sgangherato e accanto a me c'è un vecchio reazionario e non parliamo ma guardiamo la strada in silenzio e accendo la radio perché la mia coscienza ha una…

By danilomelideo

Limits are Wonderful

I recently saw a post on Mastodon asking for recommendations for an instance that allowed more characters per toot. Of course I recommended that person migrate to with its very generous limit of 1337…

By publicwolf

not this way

cuando llegue al corazón de la cebolla

By segaram

July 28

John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.…

By theophan

July 28, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:…

By blessing14

Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven By W.B. Yeats

Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,Enwrought with golden and silver light,The blue and the dim and the dark clothsOf night and light and the half light,I would spread the cloths under your feet:But I, being poor,…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

la piramide di shungite

una pianura infinita di terra e roccia e ghiaccio e poi un vento gelido che alza la polvere e un cielo bianco e poi conficcato tra i sassi c'è una lastra di metallo con una scritta in russo e poi ancora un'immensa e…

By danilomelideo


Esztergom (Gran in German, Strigonium in Latin) is a former capital of Hungary (from the 10th until the mid-13th century) and the current seat of the Catholic Church in Hungary (yes, it's not Budapest!). Its cathedral,…

By Cezar


Visegrád (Plintenburg in German, Altum Castrum in Latin) is a town first mentioned in year 1009 and former capital of Hungary, from 1323 to 1408. The town is also known for its medieval citadel (Fellegvár or the Upper…

By Cezar