Category: Recent

July 27, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

July 27

Deuteronomy 31:8 The LORD, He it is that doth go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to…

By theophan

Palmbeach si sposta (?)

Adoro Vivaldi Browser, adoro la sua comunità, ma per svariate ragioni Palmbeach "official" si sposta altrove. Nello specifico, il mio mastodon (altrettanto ufficiale) sarà diverso, e il mio blog ospitato da altra…

By palmbeach


the apple doesn't fall far from the tree which is why you need to pick up those damn apples and fling them as far as you can so they splatter and spray and spread their seeds far and wide and soon you have an orchard or…

By mwschmeer


on art…

By mwschmeer

flusso di oort

un flusso ininterrotto di suoni e fruscii e luci e parole incomprensibili e colori sovrapposti ed echi e riverberi e graffi e poi tasti premuti velocemente e schermi disturbati e assenza di atmosfera e interferenze…

By danilomelideo

Mâni Oluyor Hâlimi Tahrîre Hicâbım

1990’lardan beri oyunculuk yapıyorum. 2000’lere kadar oyunculuk ücretini elden aldım,sigortasızdım. Akabinde sigortalandım ve 2013 yılına kadar kayıtlı sigortalı tiyatro oyuncusu olarak çalıştım,devlet tiyatrolarının…

By rachmaninoff

Safari photos en vélo

Photos prises lors d'une promenade en vélo le long du canal de l'est !

By Olivier

Tip #533

Explore the Vivaldi Forum your way by choosing between page-by-page navigation or infinite scroll. If you like to display content in easily manageable portions, dividing the list of topics in categories and posts in…

By Vivaldi Tips

It's FOSS: 7 фишек Linux Mint 22

Новая версия Linux Mint слегка подзадержалась, но, судя по всему, будет доступна уже в ближайшее время. Чего ждать от грядущего релиза? Список главных нововведений Linux Mint 22 по версии редакции сайта It's…

By Alex Semёnov


花生 Peanut…

By silkway

Accipiter nisus

雀鹰 Sparrowhawk…

By silkway