Category: Recent

July 23, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Звездная ночь

星空 Star Night…

By silkway

July 23

Ezekiel 7:23 Prepare chains! For the land is full of bloodshed, and the city is full of violence. Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the…

By theophan

Truffe online tra ingenuità ed avidità

Oggi vorrei raccontarvi una storia su più livelli partendo da un passato abbastanza lontano per arrivare alla stretta attualità. Il tema di questo racconto sono le truffe online, o meglio gli schemi utilizzati per…

By hydor

Teleki Castle of Coltău

Coltău (Koltó in Hungarian) is a village in Maramureș, known mainly for the Teleki Castle (belonging to the count Sándor Teleki) where Petőfi Sándor (the national poet of Hungary) has spent his honeymoon (1847) and…

By Cezar

La viande : une source de nutriments essentiels pour un corps sain

La viande est un aliment riche en protéines, élément crucial pour le bon fonctionnement de l'organisme. En effet, les protéines jouent un rôle essentiel dans la réparation et la construction des tissus corporels, la…

By mrthp

senza gravità

a parte il freddo che a intervalli regolari scorre nelle ossa è una sensazione inedita perché sto volando senza gravità nello spazio profondo tra pianeti nani e satelliti e stelle e buchi neri e asteroidi e lì in mezzo…

By danilomelideo

The Burning House... and how to escape...

By The Voice in The Wind.

Eine Werbemail, die tatsächlich mal ihren Zweck erfüllt hat

Schon oft habe ich drüber nachgedacht, die Gedanken die mir so im Kopf herum schwirren mal in Form eines Blogs zusammen zu fassen. Leider verliere ich oft den roten Faden, werde ausschweifend, verliere mich in Details…

By gianluca384

Blackberry Harvest

Harvesting blackberries in the garden, as it was also back in 2018, photographed here.

By Cezar

initial commit

子供が描く絵が好きです その絵が全てだからです 初っ端から面倒臭そうなこと言うのもどうかと思いますが、ここの運用のためには語らねばなりません 共に地獄を味わってください 私は昔と比べて絵が描けなくなりました 大人になって、頭が社会化されてしまって、描くよりも先に理解してしまうからです 言葉にしてしまえるのなら、描かずに言えばよいのです りんごを模写するくらいなら、キャンバスに一言「りんご」と書けばよいのです …

By foo3rd

Tip #529

Pick the appropriate default search scope in Vivaldi Mail. Do you prefer to start searching by casting a wide net and hoping the best result shows up that way or do you like to start small and expand if nothing good…

By Vivaldi Tips