Category: Recent
la notte ha questa cosa
la notte ha questa cosa per cui i tempi si dilatano e puoi rimanere lunghissimi minuti a fissare la geometria di tubi che viene illuminata dall'unica lampada accesa della stanza e i rumori assumono un altro spessore…
First Post
Been a fan of the Vivaldi browser for some time but new explored some of their features. Lets see what the blog looks like!…
By lundholmj
Music -Clip : The Way to Heaven...
CLIP created by GOD's grace by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.EU.…
Find me on another site!
While I use this site often, I have another website/blog that I post quite regularly about different and amazing topcis, ranging from computer science to mathematics. Find me here:…
By kutay
Tip #531
Go for a minimalistic and cleaner look with transparent background tabs. Some of the adjustments you can make to your Vivaldi Theme are more subtle than others. One such customization option is removing the faint…
By Vivaldi Tips
蜂蜜与四叶草 蜂蜜與四葉草 Honey and clover ハチミツとクローバー
类型:漫画分类:推荐安利/生活/恋爱爱情/时泪经典状态:完结连载:2000年作者:羽海野千花出版社:集英社出版册数:全10卷参考:维基百科 《蜂蜜与四叶草》(日语:ハチミツとクローバー),羽海野千花创作的日本漫画作品,后来被改编成电视动画与电影。蜂蜜幸运草也获得第27届讲谈社漫画赏少女部门的最佳作品。获选为2005年第九回日本文部省文化厅媒体艺术祭动画部门推荐的作品。…
By shuiwudengli
It's FOSS: Расширения для Firefox, которые вам понравятся
Небольшая подборка удобных расширений для браузера Firefox, которые существенно упростят выполнение рутинных задач.…
By Alex Semёnov
How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile App in 2024?
As businesses realize the importance of digitalization, demand for mobile applications continues to increase exponentially. One question that is often asked, however, is "How much does developing a mobile application…
By techgropse12
Атмак - Байду Вики
馕---百度百科 “馕”(拼音:náng),源于波斯语,意为“面包”。维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、塔吉克、乌兹别克、塔塔尔等族民间传统主食。流行于新疆等地 。馕外皮为金黄色,以面粉为主要原料,多为发酵的面,但不放碱而放少许盐。…
By atmak