Category: Recent

Zeytin yerde kalmasın Hanım

Yağmur bastırdı ve hava birden soğudu.Yağmuru yiyen zeytin şişti, rüzgâr kuzeye döndü ve esip gürledikçe bütün zeytinler ağırlığınca dökülerek sağa sola saçıldı. Zeytin ağacının dibi hep zeytin oldu. Büyük zeytin…

By rachmaninoff

Tip #603

Start fresh by deleting History and other browsing data in Vivaldi on Android. It can be convenient to find a page you recently visited or autofill forms with your information, but it’s also good to get rid of…

By Vivaldi Tips

Ornamental Kale

Brassica oleracea acephala - Leaf Cabbage - Fodros kel - Zierkohl - Ornamental Kale…

By Cezar

Forçando o hábito da leitura

Ano passado eu estava tentando ler um livro e iniciar o hábito da leitura como sempre faço, pedi a uma amiga uma dica boa de livro de ficção, ação e aventura. E ela me indicou o nome do vento , que estou gostando, mas…

By nunesdennis

Finding out my brother died AND was already cremated, via email

Finding put my brother died AND was already cremated, via email. …

By latenightgirl

Nov. 25, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Best AI Essay Writers for 2025: Revolutionizing the Future of Academic Writing ✍️🤖

As we move further into 2025, AI technology continues to transform various industries, and essay writing is no exception. AI essay writers have become essential tools for students, professionals, and researchers who…

By zackjerrys

Об эксперименте по определению соотношения кислорода

关于初中化学实验—-如何测量空气中氧气的含量 初中化学以及中考必考实验分析—-“如何测量空气中氧气的含量”。这个实验是一道中考必考实验分析题,但很遗憾,很多学生学得一头雾水,“怎么突然跑出来个红磷?“ ”什么鬼?没弄懂”。本文基于化学思路和物理思路,谈谈自己的见解。…

By Чистая Вития

November 25

Colossians 3:17 Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 2 Peter 1:3-4 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and…

By theophan

It's FOSS: Seal – мобильная скачивалка видеороликов

А помните времена, когда видео в интернете не смотрели, а скачивали, чтобы уже потом посмотреть. Есть подозрение, что ситуация может повториться. Так что вот вам краткий обзор довольно удобной скачивалки ютубовских…

By Alex Semёnov

my first post

it's really cool that Vivaldi has a blog feature. It reminds me of using blogger as a kid. Still looking for a fun venue to post on. Who knows... This might be it.…

By nightsoil

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